13 Dec

How to Prepare your Social Media Presence for Christmas


It’s that time of the year again that we’re starting the countdown for Christmas. Except for the plans for the Christmas gifts though, it’s the perfect timing to organize the online presence of your business for the holiday season. There are many ways to benefit from the Christmas spirit, and there are even more ways to reward your fans for their loyalty. No matter what type of business you have, here are some tips on how to create an ‘online [...]

How to Prepare your Social Media Presence for Christmas2017-10-04T22:03:17-04:00
13 Nov

How To Maximize Your Twitter Potential


When it comes to rocking out a Twitter account you might be surprised at what it takes to get the job done. It seems like we see users try to max out their accounts with tons of followers while following as many as they can. These same users may send out tons of tweets every day. They may even have a half decent background. Surprisingly though many of these accounts will ultimately fail. It’s no wonder we have people always [...]

How To Maximize Your Twitter Potential2017-10-04T22:05:35-04:00
13 Nov

Is A Google+ Sign In Required For Leaving YouTube Comments?


Google+ Sign In Google+ is Google’s analog to Facebook’s social networking platform. The requirement for having a G+ account is leaving lots of folks feeling that Google’s shoving this platform down their throats. Some people even feel that having to sign into Google+ in order to make comments on YouTube violates their freedom. Concerns The anger appears to come from multiple areas of concern. One of these concerns is the loss of anonymity when making comments. This appears to be [...]

Is A Google+ Sign In Required For Leaving YouTube Comments?2017-10-04T01:21:51-04:00
13 Nov

WordPress Based Web Design


We have been asked multiple times why it is we have embraced WordPress so thoroughly. To understand why you first must know a bit about this awesome CMS. WordPress first began life as a humble blogging tool known as b2 cafelog. When Michel V. – the creator of b2 cafelog – decided to end further development Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little came together to create WordPress. […]

WordPress Based Web Design2017-08-22T00:04:56-04:00
13 Nov

Instagram and the Scam – A Cautionary Tale


So, you’re working really hard on your Instagram account and you get a chance to get new likes/shares simply by signing up and downloading ad app. When you download this app it then asks you for your username and password. You think, hey, this will really help me nail my goal, and you happily fill out and send the information. What does this get you? How about being an active participant in one of the biggest social botnets ever! The [...]

Instagram and the Scam – A Cautionary Tale2017-10-04T17:26:52-04:00
13 Nov

Looking Outside Our Social Media Bubbles


In today’s business world if you want to truly succeed you have to have a social media presence. There is just no way around it. When you go online and browse social media sites it can make the whole prospect seem deceptively easy. It seems like a few picture posts, some funny or insightful quotes and bam you have it. Here’s the kicker… it’s SO not true, it takes real WORK. When building your strategy you start out by looking [...]

Looking Outside Our Social Media Bubbles2017-10-02T18:17:33-04:00
13 Nov

3 Things You Should Know About Recent Google Changes


This isn’t your father’s Google. Heck, it isn’t your Google, circa 2012. In an effort to inflict a little spam killer on the web, and to create an Internet environment more conducive to strategy than keyword stuffing, Google went all organic on us. The Google change, designed to redefine search-engine optimization, marks another shift in its algorithms. Google’s ever-changing approach to maintaining the web might feel intrusive and dictatorial to some. However, as web access becomes increasingly mobile and faster [...]

3 Things You Should Know About Recent Google Changes2017-08-22T00:56:55-04:00
13 Nov

Cyber Monday Is On its Way – Are You Ready?


Black Friday is a huge deal in the brick and mortar retail world. In fact most businesses do not even break even or turn a profit, called going in to “the black,” until that day. Additionally, most retail stores gain 40 to 50 percent of their profits from this day until Christmas. So needless to say it is a day that any retailer who has an online presence needs to take advantage of. All this being said, retailers that have [...]

Cyber Monday Is On its Way – Are You Ready?2017-10-12T13:42:26-04:00
13 Oct

Twitter adds photo previews on timeline


Twitter has announced yesterday an update that introduces image and video previews on the timeline. After a long time with a stream of text messages, it seems that Twitter has decided to become more visually attractive. In the era of the visual content, and with Instagram and Pinterest thriving, Twitter realizes they won't succeed in long-term if they don't adapt to the changing times. Either you like it or not, images and videos are replacing texts in many cases, while [...]

Twitter adds photo previews on timeline2017-10-23T17:10:12-04:00
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