14 Mar

Is That Free App Worth It?


This week AVAST, a very reliable and trusted internet and mobile device security company, issued a warning that a recently released night vision app for your mobile devices contains spyware coding. This app called Cámara Visión Nocturna retrieves and stores phone numbers and charges you for a premium messaging service. […]

Is That Free App Worth It?2017-10-05T00:48:27-04:00
14 Mar

Is social media a waste of time for my business?


Does social media actually work for my business or is it just a waste of time? A heavy thought with the social media craze upon us! This is a pretty easy question to answer; it works both ways. Why? It’s how you use social media to your advantage that will make it work. Goals need to be set for social media to work in your favor. Whether doing it on your own or hiring someone (a social media coach), it [...]

Is social media a waste of time for my business?2017-08-25T18:17:28-04:00
14 Feb

Shoot Quality Video with these 7 Simple Tips


So you want to shoot your own video, that’s a great idea! However, the best quality video starts with preparation and an eye for details. With that said, we thought we’d put together this rather straight forward seven step guide to help you get the most out of your next video production.   Here’s our tips and suggestions to help you start shooting high quality video: […]

Shoot Quality Video with these 7 Simple Tips2017-08-23T00:17:27-04:00
14 Feb

SocialRank is Rocking Twitter and Here’s Why…


When you are a business that relies on Twitter to give you a great advertising push, and let’s be honest who these days isn't, it can be hard to define exactly where your greatest support comes from. You could spend hours and hours going over numbers and names trying to find out who retweets and favorites you the most. You also have to do a little digging to find out how many people your followers have following them and who [...]

SocialRank is Rocking Twitter and Here’s Why…2017-10-23T16:59:01-04:00
14 Feb

Are your children social media savvy?


We as a tech savvy nation have embraced social interaction on various platforms in a big way. Of course we all have varying exposure to social media. Those of us in business can often live or die by social media these days. One thing we have to remember is that different groups see social media differently. To this end I would like to take a moment and speak with you about the impact that social media can have on our [...]

Are your children social media savvy?2017-10-12T14:03:40-04:00
14 Feb

What is Project InMind and could it be a game changer?


Voice is the newest phase of search, test, and calling. As we use our mobile devices more and more it has become increasingly apparent that typing is no longer the only way to go. Apple’s Siri is the poster child for this form of communication. With an iProduct you just speak naturally and the device will search for what you say, call who you want and do talk to text. Google has also dabbled in this type of programming as [...]

What is Project InMind and could it be a game changer?2017-10-23T17:17:52-04:00
14 Feb

What Is Creative Content and Why Does It Matter?


In this world of constant instant updates and unlimited information it is important that you stay on top of keeping your customers informed and engaged. One of the ways to do this is to have great content. Creative content is the articles, stories, posts and other written materials that you share on your websites, social media outlets and blogs. You can use these areas to really inform your audience what you and your company or group are all about. The [...]

What Is Creative Content and Why Does It Matter?2017-10-12T13:35:45-04:00
14 Feb

8 Tools to Help (or Kickoff) Your Social Media Marketing Efforts


We’re now a little over a month into the New Year – how are your business’ resolutions going? Did you set social media marketing goals for 2014? Maybe you said, “We’ll blog X number of times per week.” Or, “We’ll host one Facebook contest a month.” Or, “We’ll finally put some effort into that Twitter/Instagram account.” Sound familiar? But maybe you only have your first blog post published. You have yet to come up with an idea for the first [...]

8 Tools to Help (or Kickoff) Your Social Media Marketing Efforts2017-10-23T17:10:55-04:00
14 Feb

Is Google Changing How It Handles Ads?


Google is the king of search engines! Period! It dominates the web through several means other than its searches. Just a few of these are Google Navigate and Google AdWords, the latter of the two truly dominating. But here is the question, does Google have a monopoly when it comes to advertisement and search queries? The European Commission thinks so, in fact they have threatened […]

Is Google Changing How It Handles Ads?2017-10-04T01:26:56-04:00
14 Feb

What is Facebook Paper and why does it matter?


Facebook has long been a multimedia juggernaut – a place where you can receive news, photos from your friends and family, play games and much more. On a laptop or desktop Facebook format has always been relatively easy to navigate, but for most people the mobile app is a little clunky and not at all well liked. There is also the problem of people becoming bored with the look and feel that Facebook has developed for it. The folks at [...]

What is Facebook Paper and why does it matter?2017-10-23T17:10:11-04:00
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