About Victoria Wright

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So far Victoria Wright has created 13 blog entries.

How To Run An Instagram Giveaway

Giveaways on Instagram are a great way to build excitement for your brand partner with other businesses or influencers on the app. First, understand the ground rules of hosting a giveaway. Don’t use giveaways as your sole strategy to build engagement. Many brands who rely solely on giveaways actually lose more followers than they gain since people immediately unfollow after a contest closes. Don’t give away a prize or partner with a company that is unrelated or irrelevant to your [...]

How To Run An Instagram Giveaway2019-01-07T15:34:37-05:00

Optimizing Your Instagram Business Profile

Instagram is quickly becoming the go-to and need-to-have social media platform for businesses. While Instagram is a much simpler and cleaner platform than Facebook, many businesses assume Instagram marketing is simple-- but it’s not.That’s solely because of how competitive marketing is on Instagram and how much there is to gain from it. Instagram influencers are changing the trajectory of Instagram’s purpose in social media marketing in several ways. The main reason it’s important for businesses is that it’s an alternative [...]

Optimizing Your Instagram Business Profile2018-02-07T00:25:58-05:00

The Instagram Alternatives to Facebook’s Ad Saturation

Facebook is having a rough year. The Russia/election debacle being a main focus. Also troubling for the platform is that it hit maximum ad saturation sooner than predicted. Without getting too far into the Russian interference (you can read more about that here), Facebook was forced to completely change its approach to advertising, which has ultimately complicated marketing efforts. Ad saturation is another huge problem that Facebook is battling. Ad saturation refers to the amount of virtual space available for [...]

The Instagram Alternatives to Facebook’s Ad Saturation2018-03-05T13:13:31-05:00

Finding The Most Effective Instagram Hashtags

Instagram hashtags are the best (free!) tool for businesses to find their target audience and grow their brand. With that said, most brands don’t know which hashtags to use, and that’s okay. It’s a common mistake, because there’s not a lot of information on how to utilize the right hashtags. If you need a recap on how hashtags can be used to grow your brand on Instagram, review how the Instagram Search Algorithm works. Hashtags come in a variety of [...]

Finding The Most Effective Instagram Hashtags2018-03-05T13:18:32-05:00

Instagram Hashtag Strategy: How to Hack the Search Algorithm

  This is part of an Instagram hashtag strategy series. This post focuses on ways to be found in the Top Posts algorithm. If this topic feels overwhelming, start with the conclusion and work your way back up. Still need help? We’re here for you. Hashtags have been evolving since their creation in 2009 on Twitter. Now, hashtags are part of spoken slang and are used in campaigns for brand engagement and to categorize types of content. […]

Instagram Hashtag Strategy: How to Hack the Search Algorithm2018-05-01T11:30:07-04:00

The Inbetweeners: Marketing to Gen X

Social media marketing tends to focus on the Millennial generation quite a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. It’s hard to make it through the day without hearing the “M” word, because they’re a different type of generation-- digital natives. However, it’s their parents, Gen Xers, that have the lion’s share of the buying economy. Gen X is those born (roughly) between 1965 and the early 1980s. Gen X has more buying power than any other generation with 31 percent [...]

The Inbetweeners: Marketing to Gen X2019-02-14T13:13:38-05:00

Cracking the Code: The Instagram Algorithm

Facebook’s dominance over the social media industry, with over a billion daily users, means that it gets to decide pretty much everything in the industry. Usually when Facebook makes a move, all other social media platforms must follow suit or risk becoming obsolete. […]

Cracking the Code: The Instagram Algorithm2017-10-23T17:07:10-04:00

DIY Social Media: Facebook Live

If you haven’t noticed recently, Facebook is all about videos: cat videos, Buzzfeed videos, live videos, you name it. Facebook wants to grow into a video-oriented platform, so they’re adjusting the algorithm to favor video content, especially Facebook Live posts. You might have noticed that Facebook sends you a notification when businesses and friends go live. While produced videos con time and resources, the Facebook Live feature is free and requires little or no work before and after recording. Plus [...]

DIY Social Media: Facebook Live2018-02-09T11:42:51-05:00

Financial Advisors: Building Trust, Leads, and SEO

“Inbound marketing strategies open the doorway for creating valuable content that is easily found online by your ideal client. Your potential clients have needs that only you can provide solutions for.  They are seeking information, from a trustworthy source, that will educate them. […]

Financial Advisors: Building Trust, Leads, and SEO2017-10-23T17:17:53-04:00

Financial Advisors: Launching an Inbound Marketing Campaign

As a financial advisor, you may have started to notice that traditional marketing efforts aren’t as effective for your business. Why? Because people are browsing for solutions online instead of being hard-sold on products and services they don’t even want. In fact, 80% of the online population has bought a product online. Eighty percent. […]

Financial Advisors: Launching an Inbound Marketing Campaign2017-10-23T17:17:53-04:00
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