About Tracy Alves

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So far Tracy Alves has created 119 blog entries.

Get up, Get Ready and Take On Social Media Now!

‘Social media strategy and development’….sound like real heavy words, huh? There’s a virus infecting the entire world of social media and this is a ‘fear’ associated with it. If you pick a few reports, you will find the business heads still wondering and racking their brains with how to use social media. Well, really? After it has been around for more than 8 years and so much has been written and said, do businesses still need to figure out what [...]

Get up, Get Ready and Take On Social Media Now!2017-10-05T00:51:04-04:00

If You Like It Then You Better Put a Pin On It

If you are like me and you have so many bookmarks in your browser that it takes several scrolls of the mouse wheel just to glance over them all, then why not Pin those web pages? Pinterest isn’t only for recipes and craft ideas. You can have a board specifically for technical tips or sites related to any interests you have. Pinterest quickly helps you see why you saved a site, and organizing couldn’t be easier. […]

If You Like It Then You Better Put a Pin On It2017-10-04T21:05:40-04:00

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Likes on Social Media

Humans are visual creatures. It's no wonder then that the top trending social media sites – Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook – have built their success on turning our addiction to images into the ultimate hook, on their sites and Apps. We love seeing things even more than we love reading about them. In the world of social media images rule. In the world of search, images can help you to rule the internet. Images are content. This means that adding one [...]

Pictures are Worth a Thousand Likes on Social Media2017-09-30T14:23:24-04:00

I Got Some ‘Likes,’ Now What!?

You created a Facebook page for your business. Your friends and family liked it. Now what? Are Facebook fan ‘likes’ enough to grow your business? […]

I Got Some ‘Likes,’ Now What!?2017-10-04T21:17:19-04:00

Three LinkedIn Fixes to Sharpen up Your Profile

Getting the most from LinkedIn means doing more than throwing up your resume and waiting for the perfect client. There are a few small changes that you can make to your profile for instant improvements. But remember, LinkedIn is not a passive site – you need to get involved, post regularly and let yourself be heard. […]

Three LinkedIn Fixes to Sharpen up Your Profile2017-08-22T16:05:57-04:00

Can Social Media Be Used For Serving Subpoenas?

Here is one for the books that may leave you thinking DUH! Texas lawmakers are proposing the use of social media as a means of serving subpoenas. This is a new one on the use of technologies to assist law enforcement on getting the job done. It may seem to some that this is a good way to reduce the work load but there are some undeniable problems with using this method. First and foremost, not everyone has an account [...]

Can Social Media Be Used For Serving Subpoenas?2017-10-23T17:33:31-04:00

The New Year of Social Media – Ringing in 2013

Many describe 2012 of the Year of Social Media We saw rumors started, statements made, and rivalries created, all through social media. Companies large and small began to realize this year that they must be a part of it in order to be on any side of a trend. Sites like Facebook and Twitter are no longer just something to be social on; it’s a site with one billion potential customers. 2013 is looking like the year where social media [...]

The New Year of Social Media – Ringing in 20132017-08-22T17:26:37-04:00

#49 Standing Out In Social Media with Barry Feldman – Part 3

In the midst of all the noise and clamor, are you able to stand out above the rest? It is not so much of finding your voice, but doing something so completely different that it makes people pay attention to you. Barry Feldman is a freelance copywriter, creative director, content marketing creator and consultant. He specializes in persuasion and engagement. He shares his vision and techniques at the Content Marketing Institute.    Next Step We will be discontinuing the podcast [...]

#49 Standing Out In Social Media with Barry Feldman – Part 32017-08-25T16:05:22-04:00

#47 The Importance of Crafting Compelling Content with Barry Feldman – Part 1

Everybody has a good story, they need a great storyteller. Barry Feldman is one of those greats that can help you craft compelling content for your story. Barry is a freelance copywriter, creative director, content marketing creator and consultant. He specializes in persuasion and engagement. He shares his vision and techniques at the Content Marketing Institute. Next Step What is your business story? Post it in the comments and we'll get Barry to help spruce it up for you! Subscribe [...]

#47 The Importance of Crafting Compelling Content with Barry Feldman – Part 12017-10-12T13:46:05-04:00
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