About Tracy Alves

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So far Tracy Alves has created 119 blog entries.

How Can I Create A Presence On The Internet? Part 2

Welcome back! Let’s jump right in on part two of our three part series on reaching your target audience with great results. In the last installment (click here for Part One) we discussed how to identify your target audience, how to stay engaging, and styles of writing for different sources. Now we will discuss SEO, Google and Google’s newest algorithm. So let’s begin with SEO and what it means to your posts and articles. What is SEO? […]

How Can I Create A Presence On The Internet? Part 22017-10-23T17:06:31-04:00

How Can I Create A Presence On The Internet?

Trying to make your presence known on the internet can be a very complicated and confusing process. If you have tried to do it on your own before without knowing what you’re getting into, it can make you feel kind of like the pigeon who smacks into the window of a 5th story apartment home. The key to success is having the right […]

How Can I Create A Presence On The Internet?2017-10-04T23:21:02-04:00

Why Small Businesses Fail At Social Media

Now before you fly off the handle, let me preface this by saying that not all small businesses fail at social media. There are however many that seem bound and determined to do so. No matter how hard they think they try to succeed at integrating a social strategy into their business model it just seems to dissolve or even blow up in their faces. Let me set the stage for you: Steve X owns a motorcycle shop that specializes [...]

Why Small Businesses Fail At Social Media2017-08-27T20:46:08-04:00

Does My Business Need A Facebook Page?

In today’s socially driven world many businesses are asking the question “does my business need my business need a Facebook page?” Want an easy answer? Well, unfortunately there is no simple one word answer. There are many factors that go into determining if you need a Facebook page or any other such social networking identity. Perhaps the more focused question would be “is my […]

Does My Business Need A Facebook Page?2017-10-16T14:11:08-04:00

It’s All In How You Use It!

I have to admit, when it comes to social media I can become quite the nerd. The day that Facebook updated their insights was single-handedly one of the best days of my life. When you take the time to think about all that social media is capable of doing, it is really quite remarkable. Today I want to focus on an area that social media is impacted big time: fashion. Yes that’s right, I said it, social media has made [...]

It’s All In How You Use It!2017-10-04T21:13:09-04:00

So Facebook Is Allowing Post Editing?

How many of us can relate to the frustration of spelling one little word wrong in our Facebook status that makes the world of difference? We can all smile a little bigger now because Facebook is adding the ability to edit posts! This may seem like a  […]

So Facebook Is Allowing Post Editing?2017-10-05T18:33:14-04:00

Online Video Marketing – A Must or a Bust?

Any of us who do any amount of business online have heard time and again that embracing online video is must in order to achieve any degree of success. YouTube and Vimeo have both become video hosting/video search engine juggernauts while other folks choose to host and stream their videos to their websites via methods such as Amazon S3 or Rackspace. No matter where you host your videos the question remains - is online video marketing a must or a bust? [...]

Online Video Marketing – A Must or a Bust?2017-09-30T14:59:31-04:00

Are Job Seekers and Employers Being Cheated by LinkedIn?

Nick Corcodilos of the PBS NewsHour site is no slouch when it comes to pointing out major issues involving getting your name out there for jobs. He knows his stuff. That being said, when his story talking about whether LinkedIn is guilty of cheating job seekers and employers many feathers were ruffled. Job seekers are now asking whether they are paying […]

Are Job Seekers and Employers Being Cheated by LinkedIn?2017-10-23T17:11:22-04:00

What in the Heck is SEM? How do YOU Market Your Biz Online?

When you consider many changes taking place on the internet and how we interact with it there is no way to NOT be impressed. This is especially so when you consider the relatively short time in which it has happened. Take online marketing for example. This field really got started in the 90s and has boomed into a ginormous industry. Digital marketing has been fully embraced by so many businesses that it would be almost impossible […]

What in the Heck is SEM? How do YOU Market Your Biz Online?2017-08-22T12:35:30-04:00

Facebook Emulation of Twitter Continues – Trending Topics

Continuing along its current track of integrating features first used by other social networks (Ticker = Twitter feed? You decide!) Facebook has now fully embraced hashtags. These #keyword phrases are denoted through the use of the pound sign or hashtag as it is known online. Twitter has been using hashtag for quite some time, and Google+ had already embraced them as well. This move by Facebook may have been spurred on by the fact that […]

Facebook Emulation of Twitter Continues – Trending Topics2017-10-05T18:24:12-04:00
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