About PJ Hall-Bills

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So far PJ Hall-Bills has created 36 blog entries.

Social Media in the Workplace

In today's age of constant tech immersion, it is hard not to make a habit of using social media while you are working. As we all know, social media can easily distract you from what you need to be doing, but it also has many advantages. Although you may think when it comes to work, social media is nothing but a distraction from the task you are paying your employees to do. The main question that comes to the mind of most [...]

Social Media in the Workplace2017-08-25T18:09:34-04:00

Is A Google+ Sign In Required For Leaving YouTube Comments?

Google+ Sign In Google+ is Google’s analog to Facebook’s social networking platform. The requirement for having a G+ account is leaving lots of folks feeling that Google’s shoving this platform down their throats. Some people even feel that having to sign into Google+ in order to make comments on YouTube violates their freedom. Concerns The anger appears to come from multiple areas of concern. One of these concerns is the loss of anonymity when making comments. This appears to be [...]

Is A Google+ Sign In Required For Leaving YouTube Comments?2017-10-04T01:21:51-04:00

Social Media Awesomeness – Twitter Helps Again

The power of social media continues to do many good things to help others. Though there are plenty of folks out there that still want to disagree with the use of social media you can’t help but be amazed by some of the fascinating stories that you hear. I am not talking about all the bad publicity but the good that comes from people using this as a resource in time of need. Twitter has been used many times to [...]

Social Media Awesomeness – Twitter Helps Again2017-08-27T20:19:08-04:00

Use of Social Media and the IRS

Social media sites have been used in the past by various agencies to aid in the investigative process regarding potential fraud cases No one denies the power of social media. Now, even the IRS is beginning to utilize information from Facebook and Twitter to verify information on tax returns. Law enforcement and other government agencies have been using this information in the recent past, but now the IRS has joined the party. […]

Use of Social Media and the IRS2017-08-22T15:59:15-04:00

Facebook “Home” Hitting Android Phones

Social Media Networking Just Got Better With Facebook unveiling “Home” for Android phones the social media networking juggernaut kicks it up another notch in being able to reach people even more easily. By adding the “Home” experience on Android gadgets it will help to further cement social networking’s role on people’s mobile devices. This is a bold move by the company. They are looking to increase their marketing revenue to […]

Facebook “Home” Hitting Android Phones2017-10-05T18:14:20-04:00

When Social Posting Has Gone Too Far

Ok, some people feel that social media networking sites should be used for everything and anything that people want to post. Have you heard the story, reported in the newspaper, of the Swiss nurse who posed with a dead woman, then posted the picture on Facebook? Who would ever think that anyone would do something like this? This especially holds true for someone in a helping profession such as nursing. […]

When Social Posting Has Gone Too Far2017-08-22T02:09:46-04:00

Social Media Policies in the Workplace

Does your business have a Social Media Policy in place? Is it written from the perspective of protecting the company or is the focus strictly on preventing abuse of privileges by employees? […]

Social Media Policies in the Workplace2017-08-26T02:47:01-04:00

Do I Need a Social Media Marketing Plan?

Social media marketing plan is a must for any business large or small that plans on utilizing social networks to bring in new business. Not only do businesses want new customers but they need to keep their current clients well informed in order to keep them coming back. Your marketing plan should be a part of your business plan and as such should help keep you on track. […]

Do I Need a Social Media Marketing Plan?2017-10-02T15:48:18-04:00

Controversy Surrounding Social Media Networking Sites

Controversy with social media networking sites is not a new issue by any means. What seems to be on a lot of people’s minds is just how it is being used. There are always pros and cons with any source of media being used to get messages out to the whether it is marketing or sharing of information about what is happening around us. How do you feel about the use of social media networking sites such as Twitter and [...]

Controversy Surrounding Social Media Networking Sites2017-10-12T13:48:52-04:00

Facebook Site Changes – For the Better or For the Birds

Facebook continues to work on updating their platforms and supposedly making it more users friendly we will see more changes taking place this month. I know that it seems you just began to get use to changes the Facebook networking site. You would think it will stop for a while, but that isn’t the way with any technology. What changes are you facing now? […]

Facebook Site Changes – For the Better or For the Birds2017-10-05T17:00:24-04:00
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