About Danny Hall

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So far Danny Hall has created 141 blog entries.

Announcing The All New Posse Social Media Site And Membership Program!

If you are a returning visitor then you may have noticed a few differences in our site. Those who are first time visitors however may not know. After looking at ease of navigation, info being offered and more we decided that it was time to give the Posse Social Media website a facelift. Don’t worry, we will still be offering you informative, interesting, and amusing stories through our blog. We are also still offering the same lineup of services. There [...]

Announcing The All New Posse Social Media Site And Membership Program!2017-08-23T18:52:48-04:00

September 11 – Remembering Those Lost Through Social Media

How do few Americans need to be reminded that today marks the eleventh anniversary of the worst attack on American soil to ever take place? September 11, 200, opened many eyes to the very real fact that we are just as vulnerable here on our home soil as we are abroad. Thousands upon thousands were affected directly whether through loved ones lost during the attacks or through their after effects. Businessmen and women, servicemen and women, firefighters, police officers, doctors, [...]

September 11 – Remembering Those Lost Through Social Media2017-08-28T19:17:02-04:00

Social Media for Healthcare Practitioners

Connecting With Your Care Provider In A Whole New Way It’s 2012. Forget desktop PCs – now even laptops are soon to be obsolete. Welcome in a new wave in connecting through devices such as smart phones, tablets and more. New methods of communicating with others have created a demand for new outlets. Since the rise of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other such social media outlets businesses have steadily worked toward understanding and implementing them into a social media strategy. [...]

Social Media for Healthcare Practitioners2017-08-26T04:46:04-04:00

Want More Readers for Your Blog?

Whether you have created your blog as a way to vent to the world or you are trying to draw more people to your business odds are that you can always do with more readers. No matter how MUCH content you push out if you can’t snag and hold onto your readers’ attention they will most definitely click away to something that will draw them in. You have to find a way to get them to actually WANT to read [...]

Want More Readers for Your Blog?2017-08-22T13:58:18-04:00

PSA from 1995 Predicts the Future of the Internet

What is the first thing you do in the morning? Did you check your phone, check your email, or read the news? I am willing to bet you did at least one or all these things. The internet has become such a big part of our lives that sometimes it is hard to remember when this was not the case. I remember turning on the TV to see the morning news or listening to the local radio station in the [...]

PSA from 1995 Predicts the Future of the Internet2017-09-29T14:51:20-04:00

It’s Instagram All Over Again – Twitter Drops Tumblr App

Big changes are rolling through the world of social networking. First LinkedIn decides that it doesn’t want Twitter auto-posting to LinkedIn accounts, and then Twitter decides to cut Instagram’s Friend Finder service. Now Twitter is at it again. Twitter has gone and broken up one of the most used apps out there. Tumblr and Twitter have been hand in hand for quite some time with tons of people relying on Tumblr’s Find Twitter Friends service. Not only is this upsetting [...]

It’s Instagram All Over Again – Twitter Drops Tumblr App2017-10-03T00:35:14-04:00

Can Your Business Survive Without An Online Presence?

The debate has been ongoing for the past several years as to whether a business can survive without an online presence. Groups on both sides of the fence continue to present argument after argument as to why their point of view is the most correct. Those who claim that an online presence is not required continue to say that many if not most businesses could thrive without such. At the same time, those who promote online activities continue to espouse [...]

Can Your Business Survive Without An Online Presence?2017-10-12T14:08:03-04:00

WordPress 101 – The Upside to Content Scrapers

When it comes to having your content scraped for use on other sites across the internet there are definitely downsides. If scrapers get your content out before the search engines have time to give you credit for it you could possibly be viewed as being the one with duplicate content. This means that the scrapers would be credited as the writers of the original piece. This means that they get the link love, the search engine juice, and the traffic [...]

WordPress 101 – The Upside to Content Scrapers2017-08-17T15:40:55-04:00

Zynga Games Continue To Dominate Facebook

As most any avid Facebook user may tell you games continue to be quite popular on the social networking giant. It is no surprise that a huge number of daily users do so in order to enjoy playing any of the huge number of games that are available. It doesn’t matter if you love card games, role playing, hidden object, word puzzles, or more – there are games for just about anyone. This leaves one question – what does it [...]

Zynga Games Continue To Dominate Facebook2017-08-21T12:10:40-04:00

WordPress 101 – How Can I Get More Comments On My Blog Posts

WordPress continues to get a lot of love when it comes to ranking well in Google. I still get asked the same question by lots of people though – how can I get more comments on my blog posts? Before going much further let me just say one quick thing. It is not all about how many comments you get on your post as much as it is about […]

WordPress 101 – How Can I Get More Comments On My Blog Posts2017-08-21T14:23:22-04:00
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