About Danny Hall

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So far Danny Hall has created 141 blog entries.

Cyber Monday Is On its Way – Are You Ready?

Black Friday is a huge deal in the brick and mortar retail world. In fact most businesses do not even break even or turn a profit, called going in to “the black,” until that day. Additionally, most retail stores gain 40 to 50 percent of their profits from this day until Christmas. So needless to say it is a day that any retailer who has an online presence needs to take advantage of. All this being said, retailers that have [...]

Cyber Monday Is On its Way – Are You Ready?2017-10-12T13:42:26-04:00

The Mystery of the Hashtag | Posse Social Media

Do you add hashtags in your social media posts? If you do, great! If not, don’t be scared, hashtags can only increase your followers and I’m going to tell you how. Hashtags do not need to be as intimidated as people tend to make them. Hashtags create a viral component which can only increase followers. Here’s a look at what a hashtag is and how it can help your business. […]

The Mystery of the Hashtag | Posse Social Media2017-10-02T15:57:16-04:00

Twitter Heading Public: Further Commercialization Possible?

Twitter going public. Who expected it? Who doubted it? No matter which side of the fence you favored the question now is whether further commercialization of Twitter will be possible. Sure, we could take a look at Facebook. The longer that social networking giant stays on the open market the harder they are working to identify ways to keep the money rolling in. From paid ad placement, to post promotion and more, Facebook is pulling out all the stops. That [...]

Twitter Heading Public: Further Commercialization Possible?2017-10-23T17:10:12-04:00

More YouTube Changes…Will This Sink Your Online Business?

For those of you who still may be in denial when it comes to online marketing, you probably didn’t notice this week’s announcement by YouTube. For those of you who did, all we can say is “hold onto your hats folks – it’s about to get really funky!” Now you may be asking why this is… Okay, so to clarify, this post is really directed at those of you who missed the news because after all you absolutely need to [...]

More YouTube Changes…Will This Sink Your Online Business?2017-10-02T16:22:32-04:00

So You Want To Start A Podcast?

Podcasting is the next step up from blogging. While blogging is done by armies of pajama-clad ordinary people, podcasting is done by many of these same people, though less often in pajamas, in front of a digital or audio recorder. Short pieces are recorded and then distributed via RSS or Atom to their website, typically a blog site. Listeners and viewers can then download podcasts using podcast clients. A good podcast client (iTunes for example) will allow you to subscribe [...]

So You Want To Start A Podcast?2017-08-22T14:10:55-04:00

Want To Know How To Increase Your Online Marketing Potential?

The days of traditional advertising are at an end. No longer is the triple approach of radio, print, and TV the juggernaut that it once was. It used to be that you could cover each of these venues and be sure that you would reach your target audience, but this has changed radically. The new playing field is all about the Internet. Many individuals today are hooked into the Internet whether through the use of their PCs, laptops, mobile devices, [...]

Want To Know How To Increase Your Online Marketing Potential?2017-08-22T14:17:38-04:00

The Five Step Social Media Facelift Revealed!

Planning a marketing campaign through social media? You may have a great plan, but before you go live with your campaign put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and review your strategies. Do they stink…and sound downright boring? May be your campaign needs a little facelift and here are some interesting ways that can help you organize a successful marketing campaign with a unique approach. […]

The Five Step Social Media Facelift Revealed!2017-10-23T16:58:28-04:00

What Has That #Hashtag Done for You Lately?

Sure, you are using #hashtags in your social media campaign, but how do you get more out of those little smashed-together words? Your business has some tweets going out and has employed the use of hashtags, but what can you do to widen the span of that little tic tac toe board? (Just in case you don’t know what in the world a hashtag is, read this blog post first.) Using Twitter to attract new customers and engage your current [...]

What Has That #Hashtag Done for You Lately?2017-08-22T12:31:40-04:00

There Really IS an App for that!

Technology and the use of phone apps have launched the cell phone from something you use to call and text to the most useful piece of technology most of us own. Your phone is now your camera, your ipod, your navigation device, the place where you check your email and Facebook, and on and on. Apps have changed the game. […]

There Really IS an App for that!2017-08-22T16:17:35-04:00

Let’s Get Engaged

If you have been utilizing Social Media for your business, you have most likely established a method for measuring the success of these efforts, and it no doubt includes a comparison of statistics with actual interaction in the form of graphs, charts, or some other eye-catching collection of data. But what are you measuring, really? Is it the number of “Likes” or how many times you can get a retweet on a post? In a word, no. […]

Let’s Get Engaged2017-10-02T18:35:18-04:00
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