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So far Danny Hall has created 141 blog entries.

Big Bad Negative SEO Strategies

In a continuing effort to update everyone on the unfortunate power of negative SEO, here are some of the known strategies that have been used in an effort to reduce a competitor’s Page Rank. Before we dive right in, though, it is important to remember that these are listed as a means of educating you so that you will be better prepared to prevent such attacks. That being said, let’s take a closer look at these “lovely” methods employed by [...]

Big Bad Negative SEO Strategies2017-09-18T13:56:38-04:00

What Is Negative SEO and Can It Hurt Me?

On my Two Cents Worth Podcast yesterday you may have heard me going off about Negative SEO. Not surprisingly many questions have started rolling in concerning Negative SEO and can it hurt a site’s ranking. Let me see if I can clarify the definition of Negative SEO and then move on to what it can do to you. […]

What Is Negative SEO and Can It Hurt Me?2017-10-02T09:59:35-04:00

Give An Organ – Save A Life, On Facebook?

Social Media powerhouse Facebook has made yet another change to their new Timeline. This time however the added feature could have redeeming qualities unlike other changes such as the addition of the Ticker. The newest feature from Facebook to see the light of day is known as Organ Donor. Ready to give your organs up for those in need? Now you can share your readiness to do so with the world! […]

Give An Organ – Save A Life, On Facebook?2017-10-05T18:52:07-04:00

Random Blog Postings or The Future of Bacon as I See It

I know what you are thinking – did I read that title right? Does it really mention the future of bacon? The short and dirty answer to that is yes. Your next question may be centered on the thought that maybe I have slipped my lid. Your answer to that one, however, is a resounding NO. I am still in charge of my faculties. What I AM trying to get a handle on, however, is a great idea on how [...]

Random Blog Postings or The Future of Bacon as I See It2017-09-29T13:16:31-04:00

Yelp, Online Gold or Silent Business Assassin?

Recently, online review sites like Yelp and Angies’s List have been drawing a ton of attention for the power they posses when it comes to influencing consumer buying habits. With WiFi available at every turn, the power of persuasion now exists at everyone’s finger tips. The tools of this new found mobility are of course smart phones and tablets. Both provide users with the ability to leave lightening fast comments which in turn are immediately visible for all to see. [...]

Yelp, Online Gold or Silent Business Assassin?2017-08-21T12:53:53-04:00

Is Google Killing Unnatural Links or Viable Backlinks?

Google Webmaster Tools has taken a new stronger stance. Where many companies have relied upon mildly manipulated links to help strengthen their search based marketing, now Google is cracking down. More and more users are seeing notices popping up telling them that they should keep an eye out for links that could be considered either unnatural or artificial and that may being used in order to artificially inflate PageRank. It is interesting to note that Google’s update, nicknamed Panda, was [...]

Is Google Killing Unnatural Links or Viable Backlinks?2017-10-05T00:15:59-04:00

Going Somewhere Quick With Google Places

Take two businesses both with the same physical address and list them with Google Places. Now imagine one of the businesses gets 20+ positive reviews while the other has maybe a handful. Which one do you think will show higher in the Google Maps listing? Oddly enough, the business with the lesser number of reviews can actually show up higher in the results. The question you have to ask is why would it beat out the listing that has more [...]

Going Somewhere Quick With Google Places2017-10-05T00:22:21-04:00

Knowing What To Post On LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be a powerful way to connect with other businesses when used properly. While it is true that you can connect with classmates, ex-coworkers and the like, the end goal should be to make a connection with someone that will result in a potential business venture. The trouble is, many people struggle with knowing what to post on LinkedIn. […]

Knowing What To Post On LinkedIn2017-10-02T23:59:13-04:00

Blogging: How Often and Guest Blogging

While perusing various social media news sites, I often come across the question of how often to post blogs and how can blogging help develop your website/bring in an audience. And not just any random audience, but how can blogging attract a loyal audience while developing your niche? Blogging has come a long way from teenagers ranting on […]

Blogging: How Often and Guest Blogging2017-09-18T13:16:41-04:00

Creating a Calendar with Images

Every now and then here at Posse Social Media we run across a killer product whether it’s a WordPress plugin, an SEO tool, or some other such tool that makes working with websites a ton easier. Event Espresso is one such tool. Seth, Josh, Chris and crew over at EE have been absolutely phenomenal. They have gone above and beyond in creating a high quality WordPress plugin that handles event scheduling with ease. Lately, they have taken things one step [...]

Creating a Calendar with Images2017-10-12T13:33:49-04:00
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