About Danny Hall

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So far Danny Hall has created 141 blog entries.

Quality Vs Quantity Blog Posting

Quality versus quantity isn’t a new concept by any means, but it simply amazing that you still find businesses that just think all they need is to put out a bunch of stuff and that covers things. The quality of a blog post continues to outweigh quantities of blog posts that really don’t have information to give. I know that this goes against the grain for a lot of folks, but quality is an absolute must. Take a look at [...]

Quality Vs Quantity Blog Posting2017-09-29T13:12:36-04:00

Social Media Policies – A Human Resource Nightmare

With the need for social media policies in the work place, human resource nightmares can occur before you know it. Trying to keep pace with ever changing issues with labor laws, quality and certification requirements alone can certainly be challenging. Now, throw in the newest and greatest technological advances in internet usage along with a multitude of social media platforms, and you can have a real nightmare. Companies will have their human resources departments and leadership attempting to keep their [...]

Social Media Policies – A Human Resource Nightmare2017-08-26T02:43:37-04:00

Measuring Social Media Outcomes

Do you know if your social media strategies are working for you? Are you measuring the outcomes of your efforts to connect with others? These are questions that businesses using social media as part of their marketing strategies should be asking. Without having some idea of what is happening with your efforts it is like taking a shot in the dark on success or failure. Understanding the expected outcomes for your efforts can make the difference in how you approach [...]

Measuring Social Media Outcomes2017-10-04T16:07:38-04:00

Social Media – It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist

Using social media to grow your product or services doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be successful but it does take some work. No, you don’t have to go out and earn a doctorates degree even though you may feel this way when first looking at developing social media strategies. A lot of smaller businesses without all the resources and money that larger companies have available can feel overwhelmed and frustrated. Just understanding the lingo used may sound like a [...]

Social Media – It Doesn’t Take a Rocket Scientist2017-08-26T02:21:15-04:00

Get Instant Social Marketing Results – NOT!

How many times have you heard that social media doesn’t work? Little tip for you, people that say that are right to a degree. I know what you are thinking – “Oh, did he say that?” Why yes, yes I did! If you are looking for instant results, unless you are the exception to the rule which is rare indeed, then you will not see instantaneous results. The use of social media for marketing is an area in which due [...]

Get Instant Social Marketing Results – NOT!2017-10-05T00:53:45-04:00

Bait Your Hook with the Right Social Media Marketing Tools

It’s that time of year when being out on the water, fishing for and catching the big one is your ultimate goal. Did I say “fishing?” Oh my, I must be daydreaming – or not! Nobody loves to be out on the water and catching fish more than I do. Trouble is, gotta get some work done first before I can go. When you think about it though social media marketing is just like fishing in a different type of [...]

Bait Your Hook with the Right Social Media Marketing Tools2017-09-18T14:00:43-04:00

Google Penguin – Friend or Foe?

Continuing from our last post, since you may have been affected rather heavily by Google Penguin, what can you do to regain your standing? Since many folks that were affected have been using link networks, the first step is to try to get out of them if at all possible. Many times though this is simply not possible. Get things as straight as you can and then focus on building positive links as soon as possible. […]

Google Penguin – Friend or Foe?2017-10-05T00:01:27-04:00

Has Google Penguin Made Your Site An Endangered Species?

The Google Penguin update has landed. Question is – how did it affect your rankings? While Google is thrilled to toot its own horn over its newest tool in fighting spam, there are many folks who are asking whether this was truly the answer to the problem. It seems that small business owners are the ones who are seeing the biggest fallout from the changes implemented by the newest Google algorithm. While some are left trying to figure out how [...]

Has Google Penguin Made Your Site An Endangered Species?2017-10-05T00:03:15-04:00

The NBA and Social Media – A Love Story

When you take a close look at any number of organizations that utilize social media, you tend to notice something. Many of these groups are highly organized and thus try to approach social media in an almost surgical manner. They literally have their pulse on what makes their virtual followers tick. That being said, there is a group that has taken to the scene in a hot and heavy way. The NBA is giving social media a true workout. [...]

The NBA and Social Media – A Love Story2017-10-02T15:51:21-04:00

Social Media Smackdown – What is YOUR Favorite Platform?

We all know the big players in the world of social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and now Google+ and Pinterest are all on the constant offensive looking for ways to solidify their user bases. Each platform certainly offers its own sets of benefits as well as drawbacks. At the end of the day however it will come down to figuring out which one is the best for your needs and with which you are most comfortable. […]

Social Media Smackdown – What is YOUR Favorite Platform?2017-08-26T02:15:04-04:00
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