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So far Danny Hall has created 141 blog entries.

Mobile Marketing Is Dead, Not A Chance!

The much rumored demise of mobile marketing/advertising has been pumped out across the airwaves for months now and I’m here to personally tell those pushing this message “Give It Up”! Its clearly just the opposite, mobile is here to stay. Today more so than ever people are connecting via their mobile phones, from shopping to local searches, people are connected and plugged in like we have never seen before. So much so that 48% of all users do not even [...]

Mobile Marketing Is Dead, Not A Chance!2017-10-02T16:39:44-04:00

Say It Ain’t So, LinkedIn!

LinkedIn Says Goodbye to Twitter Update Integration Worried about whether or not your Tweets with hashtags look inappropriate on LinkedIn? Worry no longer. LinkedIn, the world’s most well-known social media network for business professionals has just cut the proverbial cord. Since 2009, LinkedIn had allowed users to stream their tweets in their LinkedIn profile feeds. Some had questioned whether or not this ability was advantageous or simply just another means of keeping constant info flowing into one’s feed. Now this [...]

Say It Ain’t So, LinkedIn!2017-10-02T20:08:21-04:00

Easy Ways To Attract More Twitter Followers

With its continued growth and evolving business model Twitter continues to dominate the market as the go-to microblog option for those who want to keep their followers in the know. It continues to perform superbly as a platform for both attracting business and increasing client and customer retention. The one thing that people continually ask however is whether there are easy ways to attract more Twitter Followers. Before going any further, let’s dispel one myth. […]

Easy Ways To Attract More Twitter Followers2017-10-05T18:39:49-04:00

Microsoft Purchases Social Media Networking Business Yammer

Big Money for Social Media Platform Don’t you love the name of Microsoft’s newest purchase; Yammer, a social media platform just for businesses? You can’t say the name isn’t catchy. Now businesses can Yammer all day long to get their social media on. All kidding aside, this just goes to show how important social media networking can be – Microsoft knows a deal when they see one. Paying $1.2 billion for a company that is similar to Facebook may seem [...]

Microsoft Purchases Social Media Networking Business Yammer2017-10-02T16:37:33-04:00

Training Employees on Effective Social Media Use

Properly training employees on effective social media use for companies is one of those important factors that can help a business grow socially. Employees are internet savvy and understand the use of social networks in the majority of cases. There are some companies that want to ban employees from using the internet, but the truth is that they will find a way and the time to be online. Whether they are using it at work, at home or on a [...]

Training Employees on Effective Social Media Use2017-08-22T15:54:53-04:00

Social Media Crisis Prevention

Don’t Get Caught with Your Pants Down We have all heard that an “ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and this has never been truer than in the social media arena. Social media crisis prevention should be a part of your marketing plan. Nobody wants to wait until something happens then try to put out fires. Even though it may be unlikely that you will need to execute the plan, it is better to have one ready [...]

Social Media Crisis Prevention2017-08-27T15:50:52-04:00

Understanding Social Media ROI

Understanding social media ROI (return on investment) requires that companies know what their desired goal is when used for marketing. One of the biggest complaints and toughest goals that marketers face today is putting social media into a measurable ROI for companies. Most companies know how important social media can be to their company growth but demonstrating the returns is another matter. To understand and put ROI into perspective companies need a plan with quantifiable goals. […]

Understanding Social Media ROI2017-08-22T15:19:57-04:00

Grab Potential Customers’ Attention with Social Media

Grab potential customers’ attention through the use of your social media marketing campaign. When you want to see an increase in your business opting to use the social media arena is a positive step forward. This is in addition to some of the older marketing techniques that are still in use. You will continue to see more customers becoming savvy in obtaining information for new products and/or services. The ability to interact with customers and teach them about the products [...]

Grab Potential Customers’ Attention with Social Media2017-10-04T23:50:58-04:00

Facebook Announces WordPress Integration

As of today WordPress users can easily integrate Facebook features with such items as social publishing through the Facebook for WordPress plugin. What does this mean for users? It is a simpler way to make their WordPress site more social without the need for coding. This plugin developed by Facebook engineers and support means no more constantly having to mess with trying to get the right code and then still having problems. This plugin also works for mobile. […]

Facebook Announces WordPress Integration2017-10-23T17:06:13-04:00

Using Multimedia in Your Social Media

Don’t Miss the Social Boat Using multimedia in your social media campaign sounds like a tongue twister in the making. In actuality if you are not using multimedia tools then you are not getting your point across. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words” well never has this been truer than in the social media arena. Today when people are bombarded with text and more text having something that breaks up the monotony of reading [...]

Using Multimedia in Your Social Media2017-10-02T16:17:26-04:00
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