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So far Danny Hall has created 141 blog entries.

Do Social Media Spies Exist?

Who’s Watching What YOU Say On Social Media? There is no question that the government and its watchdog groups have their eyes and ears open. They monitor web traffic in order to hopefully pinpoint terrorist activity before it can come to a head. While some may see this as a violation of privacy it is hard to argue with the fact that if it produces results and saves lives then it is worth its weight. At what point though does [...]

Do Social Media Spies Exist?2017-10-06T16:37:04-04:00

The Twitter Rumor Mill Does It Again

From the death of Eddie Murphy to Aliens being found for real this time, Twitter has proven itself time and again to be the best possible resource for spreading unfounded rumors if you really want them to go viral. Now its power has really come into its own. With a quick tweet about the death of Syria’s president the cost of oil was actually driven upward at a rapid pace. The tweet, which supposedly came from a Russian official, was [...]

The Twitter Rumor Mill Does It Again2017-10-23T17:10:12-04:00

WordPress Plugins – How Many is Too Many?

Anyone who has ever built a WordPress based website will tell you that one of the best possible features is the ability to integrate plugins. These plugins can offer a wide range of functionality to your site. There are plugins for everything from time management and calls to action to plugins designed to personalize the WordPress dashboard and for creating integrated forums. The level of customization that plugins offer is simply phenomenal. The trouble is that there seems to be [...]

WordPress Plugins – How Many is Too Many?2017-08-22T15:39:04-04:00

Facebook Stock Falls Further – Is the Brand in Trouble?

The subject has come up more than once concerning Facebook’s foray into the stock market. At first investors seemed a bit unsure as to whether the company’s stocks would be worth the investment. When it hit the market for the first time however things seemed like they might take off. As with any publicly traded company though there are chances that you take when investing. Now it seems that some of those chances are rearing an ugly head. As Facebook [...]

Facebook Stock Falls Further – Is the Brand in Trouble?2017-10-23T16:54:56-04:00

Google Changes Got Your Head Spinning Yet?

Social media is in a constant flux of change it seems. This is enough to make a lot of us feel like our heads are spinning. Most businesses now know the importance of using social media as part of their marketing campaign as well as its many business applications to make operations easier. Technologies change quickly and everyone wants to be on top of the food chain when it comes to knowing which platforms businesses are using. With all the [...]

Google Changes Got Your Head Spinning Yet?2017-10-05T00:17:50-04:00

Want to Create a Social Media Contest?

One thing is for certain – people love getting free stuff. Tablets, site makeovers, eBook readers; you could be giving away free plastic food storage containers and would find a rabid audience. That is, you could find the right audience as long as you go about creating your contest the right way. A social media based contest has an excellent chance of succeeding when you take the time and effort to do it right. So, exactly what is it you [...]

Want to Create a Social Media Contest?2017-10-12T13:44:03-04:00

Is Facebook Doomed To Fail?

Why Businesses Can’t Rely On A One Network Social Media Marketing Strategy We constantly hear about different businesses – large and small alike – shifting their marketing efforts over to Facebook. Normally this would not be big news; however, when these businesses decide to put all their eggs in one basket the news is literally explosive. Is Facebook well established enough to take such a chance? Hardly. […]

Is Facebook Doomed To Fail?2017-10-05T18:30:34-04:00

Social Media and Instant Gratification

Are We Addicted to Getting the Word Out ASAP? Society has long had a fascination with gossip. We have all spent time in the checkout lines at the supermarket staring at the train wrecks that are the so-called headlines screaming back about who is dating whom and what star has made a public spectacle of him or herself. This sort of “reporting” has been going on for quite a long time – much longer than anyone might realize. Today, however, [...]

Social Media and Instant Gratification2017-08-26T03:11:27-04:00

Eddie Murphy Dies Yet Again Thanks to Twitter!

Rash of Twitter Driven Celebrity Deaths Continue How many times have you seen headlines screaming “Famous Actor Dies in Horrific Accident!” only to find out that it was an internet rumor that has spread like wildfire? Twitter especially seems to be a breeding ground for troll driven rumors of this sort. Eddie Murphy (yes, THAT Eddie Murphy) has unfortunately found himself the target of just such a hoax once again. You know the old saying, fool me once shame on [...]

Eddie Murphy Dies Yet Again Thanks to Twitter!2019-07-30T10:39:23-04:00

Facebook Exchange – Good, Bad, or Ugly?

With the increasing use of social media networking and Facebook’s popularity is it any wonder that changes are coming? Facebook Exchange is one that advertisers will love but what about the people who use it daily as a means to stay in touch with family and friends? The question that is on a lot of peoples mind is whether they will be bombarded with ads. This is another change in store for Facebook that is meant to increase their revenue, [...]

Facebook Exchange – Good, Bad, or Ugly?2017-10-05T18:22:44-04:00
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