About Chelsea Waddell

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So far Chelsea Waddell has created 13 blog entries.

I’m Stuck: What to Do When You Need Blog Inspiration

I’m in a sticky situation; recently I wrote a blog post called “I'm Stuck: What to do when you're stuck writing content” about all the ways you ca get inspiration when you’re out of ideas. Well, I’m out of ideas for this blog post. Blog posts are especially hard to get inspiration for because it’s long-form content. They’re also essential for digital marketing professionals. Let’s explore 5 ways you can develop an engaging and informative blog topic for your audience--even [...]

I’m Stuck: What to Do When You Need Blog Inspiration2017-10-04T18:10:19-04:00

The Carolina Panthers Have The Best Social Media Game In The NFL

I want to begin saying I’m biased. I’ve always been biased towards the Carolina Panthers. They began playing in 1995, and while growing up in North Carolina during the 1990s, this football team was a staple in my home. Bias aside, there are some valid reasons why I believe the Carolina Panthers have one of the most impressive and effective social media accounts in the NFL. […]

The Carolina Panthers Have The Best Social Media Game In The NFL2017-09-30T18:46:10-04:00

A Year With The Posse

It’s been almost a year since I first started working at Posse Social Media. I’ve learned, made mistakes, and evolved as a writer. I’ve also made big improvements in my career and as a young professional. This time last year I was anxious and excited at the same time. In school I always wanted to have a focus in social media. I realized that digital marketing was how people in the future will promote their businesses and also how consumers [...]

A Year With The Posse2017-08-23T19:05:13-04:00

Delighting your Families into Retention

In my last blog, I talked about how to grow your conversion rates and turn your school’s families into your biggest promoters. Today, I will tell you how to keep those students throughout their academic careers by delighting them. Retention is the number one problem facing private schools today. The National Center of Education Statistics says the percentage of all elementary and secondary students enrolled in private schools decreased from 12 percent in 1995–96 to 10 percent in 2013–14, and [...]

Delighting your Families into Retention2017-10-23T16:54:56-04:00

Tailoring your School’s Website for the Inbound Methodology

As a school administrator, you have thought through every aspect of your institution. You know the education level you want to provide to the student body; you know the types of families who will best fit your environment; you know the connection your staff has to their focus areas. Every detail about how your school operates has been carefully considered and planned. There’s just one thing you know needs improvement: student attraction and retention rates. Private and charter schools live [...]

Tailoring your School’s Website for the Inbound Methodology2017-10-23T16:58:59-04:00

Digital Marketing Mistakes: Not Knowing Best Practices for Your Online Presence

Digital marketing is constantly changing.  Business owners have great opportunities to find (and be found by) target customers. However, taking full advantage of what an online presence has to offer requires spending time and effort to learn best practices of each digital outlet. Even after mastering a platform, however, entrepreneurs and marketers must still take the time to stay updated on changes occurring weekly (and sometimes daily). It takes patience, research, and a little creativity. Before you start creating content, [...]

Digital Marketing Mistakes: Not Knowing Best Practices for Your Online Presence2017-10-23T17:07:10-04:00

I’m Stuck: What to do when you’re stuck writing content

Somerset Maugham, a British playwright, said, “There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.” It happens to all of us: you’re flowing through all of your content, and then - it just stops. You’re stuck; you’ve gotten out all your thoughts, but you still need 200 more words to finish your blog. So what do you do now? Before I start spewing off tips, I think it would be helpful to describe different [...]

I’m Stuck: What to do when you’re stuck writing content2017-10-23T17:10:10-04:00

Social Media for Nonprofits

Diving into the digital and social media world for your nonprofit can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Social media sites are the perfect platforms for nonprofit organizations to grow and build a digital media presence. […]

Social Media for Nonprofits2017-10-23T17:10:55-04:00
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