It’s been almost a year since I first started working at Posse Social Media. I’ve learned, made mistakes, and evolved as a writer. I’ve also made big improvements in my career and as a young professional. This time last year I was anxious and excited at the same time. In school I always wanted to have a focus in social media. I realized that digital marketing was how people in the future will promote their businesses and also how consumers will learn about new products and services. I would now like to share a few things I’ve learned during my first year on the job. 

Discovering inbound marketing

I had no clue what inbound marketing was when I started at Posse. I have since learned that the days of outbound marketing are over and inbound is the future. The concept of inbound marketing goes as follows: if you provide your audience with valuable information they will return the favor with their business. As a business, you’re providing a large amount of value to your target audience without asking anything from them in return. This builds trust with your audience and they will be loyal to your businesses and become promoters of it in the future.  We always tell our clients that inbound marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. This type of marketing may take more work in the short run, but it’ll also help build a better brand of customers in the long run.

How to write for your audience

This is one area that I struggled with at first. Knowing who your audience is and where they will be reading your content is the key to effective writing. I learned quickly that your audience helps you make decisions about what information you should include, and what graphics you will need to help the reader understand what you’re presenting. You have to do your research for your client. If you don’t, all of your efforts will be for nothing. A good tip from UMUC is to create a list of what your audience already knows, what they need to know,  why they need to know it, and how you can help them. 

Social media evolution and possibilities

The social media landscape continues to change for marketers. There are always different and new social media platforms and apps popping up or new changes to the platforms that already exist. This is one thing that I love about working in the social media world. I love that there is always something new to try that might help a client find a new audience and expand their business.

Communicating and asking for help

I’ve always had trouble asking for help in the past. I’m the type of person who would think that I’m being a pest if I’m bothering someone else. But I’ve learned that not asking for help only hinders the company as a whole. We all have our strengths and weaknesses so we have to lean on each other’s strengths to grow and be successful. Communication is the number one key to any successful relationship; we have to know how to talk together in the most effective way possible to accomplish a task. It’s been interesting to learn how each person in our team works; it helps me understand how to talk to them and vice versa.