One of the most exciting (and challenging) aspects of social media marketing is keeping up with ever-changing features, tools, trends, and best practices. We have identified four key social media challenges that many marketers will face in 2018, and we’ve even conjured up some viable solutions to help you forge ahead into the new year with confidence.

The Unstoppable Rise of Video

You already know the importance of video in your social strategy, but there is one common mistake many marketers are tripping up on – making video just for the sake of having video. Many marketers overthink their video content and end up wasting time producing something that falls flat with their audience. Video is still one of the biggest social media challenges, though there are many simple yet effective solutions. 

Keep it simple yet captivating. Remember to grab emotion with your video content and make the messaging relevant to your audience’s problem and how you can solve it. Brainstorm a few scenarios where you can go live on Facebook to showcase your culture (which is also great evergreen content). Encourage your employees to share your posts on their personal socials and share on-the-job photos when applicable.

Declining Organic Reach

Gone are the days where your post is easily seen by your desired audience (well, without paying for ad space). Brands are constantly fighting for attention in the news feeds of their audiences, and social platform algorithms are prioritizing things in such a way that makes the code difficult to crack. The bottom line is that you need to focus on long-term strategy over short-term tactics to get in front of your target demographic.

Be strategic with the content you are posting and pay attention to when your audience is online. Refer to your analytics to see which type of contest does best, and then capitalize on it. Remember, video, behind-the-scenes photos, and testimonials are great organic content for most industries.

Where Should I Advertise?

Competition is fierce among brands on Facebook, which is why many brands are seeking alternate ad solutions. Though Facebook remains the #1 contender for social advertising, there are other platforms that you should be exploring to maximize your online presence and collect quality leads. Consider exploring ads on LinkedIn and Instagram or other platforms where you currently post content. Both of those platforms have added valuable advertising features.

Trends, trends, trends

With so many new features on each social platform, how are you supposed to know which ones you really need to spend time getting familiar with? Many smaller brands are growing weary of the influx of new updates. We don’t blame you. We love it, but we understand that it is hard to keep up with social trends when you’re not in the thick of it every day.

Part of our client services includes tool research and implementation. We use the results of our findings to suggest which platforms and features you need to use to continue to be successful with your online audience. We’ll help you stay current by determining which tools will be best for your business growth.