Recently I was at a local networking event and I was having a casual conversation with two of our current customers when the conversation switched to Twitter. Each was jokingly asking about the difference between a the @symbol and the #hashtag, when to use it when not to use it etc. Now we’ve covered these both in previous posts so I will not go over that again here. However, what was striking to me was the fact that a true the lack of knowledge still surrounds one of the most vital social platforms on the planet.

But no more! Today were putting out a short hand guide to help the novice not only communicate on Twitter but save valuable characters in the process. So without further adieu, I give you “The Basic Twitter Short Hand Guide”. As collected from various online resources, enjoy and have fun!

  • AFAIK……….as far as I know
  • b……………….be
  • b/c……………because
  • b4……………..before
  • here24……….heretofore
  • abt…………….about
  • FWIW………..for what its worth
  • HTH…………..hope that helps
  • gr8…………….great
  • idk……………..I don’t know
  • yyd…………….yes you do
  • DM…………… message
  • LOL…………….laugh out loud
  • LMK……………let me know
  • Ppl……………..people
  • L8r……………..later
  • RL………………real life
  • PLZ…………….please
  • RT………………retweet
  • cld………………could
  • FF……………….Follow Friday
  • MM……………..Music Monday
  • WW……………..Wonderful Wednesday
  • !!!!!………………!
  • $$$…………….$
  • ICYMI………….In Case You Missed It
  • JK………………..just kidding