Online video marketing is on the rise and people of all ages are watching videos on the web. While photo and text updates are typically the norm, a video can really show your customers your creative side and set yourself apart from your competition. Not sure how to get started? Here are a few tips to get your video launched for your business:

  • Education is key: Your clients can watch any type of sales pitch online from your competitors, but if you take the time to teach them something about your product and/or service, you will have a better chance of holding their attention. Knowledge is power!
  • Post to your website and other social media sites: Not only do you want to post your video to YouTube, but you want to make sure to have your video available on your company’s website and other sites such as Facebook and Pinterest can even link videos to their site as well. Be sure to have your company’s website visible in the video so people can visit your site after viewing. The more places you list your video means it will be seen by more people.
  • Be creative: Set yourself apart from the rest and really show your creative side. A few ideas for your video are to demonstrate your product, have testimonials from past customers, add music or animation to your pitch. Whatever it may be, think of a way your product or service can hold onto your customer’s attention in video form.
  • Grab your business spirit leader: If you’re uncomfortable being in front of the camera, ask someone in your company if they’d like a leading role in this marketing campaign. The video will turn out much better if you have some who’s excited speaking about your business.

Don’t put video marketing on hold. Get your script put together and make your business really stand out. It might take a little time and practice at first, but once you get the hang of it all, you’ll see how video marketing can be an added benefit for you.