Protecting Your Brand

Whether you do business as an individual, a small “mom and pop” style shop, or as a large company one thing you must do in order to succeed is to think of yourself as a brand. While you might offer goods and services it is your brand that people buy into, and it is your brand that will keep them coming back. As a brand you have a reputation to uphold. This reputation can be affected if
you allow substandard goods or services to reach your customers, right? In today’s digital world you can bet that your online reputation can suffer as well if not properly handled.

What is an Online Reputation?

When people talk about how everything you do online is watched they are not far from the truth at all. There will always be someone out there watching your brand and how you handle it online. Your actions and the reactions of others to those actions can definitely affect your online reputation (OR). This is where online reputation management comes in – by directly addressing issues affecting your OR you can better preserve your overall rep.

The internet offers a relatively large degree of anonymity when it comes to being able to post one’s opinion on any given subject. That being said all it takes is the wrong message being sent by one of these anonymous posters to negatively affect your online reputation. Keep in mind that search engines rule the roost today. Google, MSN, Yahoo… each offers just one more way that people can find the good – or bad – news being posted about your brand by these anonymous sources.

Also remember that most folks will simply use the info they get from the first page of the search engine results rather than taking time to look through two or three pages to see what else is offered in the way of info. All it takes is a single blogger posting defamatory content on a site that has been properly optimized to beat out your business website in ranking. For search engines relevancy outranks quality so well targeted lies could be extremely damaging to your brand. Now you can see why online reputation management is not only important but is a must.

The Power of Online Reputation Management

When it comes to defending your brand from negative information or harmful content online reputation management is king. For your brand to survive or thrive, you must keep your reputation healthy and growing. You want to keep the first page of search engine results inundated with positive content so that any negative gets pushed to the back burners of the web where it belongs. While there are many different strategies that can be used to ensure that your online reputation stays healthy it is even easier to show you how it can be handled with no fuss and no muss on your part. Allowing a company like Posse Social Media to manage your online reputation can save you a great deal of time, money, and effort and can offer outstanding results.