So you want to shoot your own video, that’s a great idea! However, the best quality video starts with preparation and an eye for details. With that said, we thought we’d put together this rather straight forward seven step guide to help you get the most out of your next video production.


Here’s our tips and suggestions to help you start shooting high quality video:

1. When you are using your cell phone to shoot video, remember that your audio quality will be shaky since you don’t have a proper microphone. It is very important to maintain the same volume throughout your sound bite. Speak clearly and articulate. It’s natural to trail off at the end of a sentence or thought, but it makes your voice hard to understand.

2. Leave “padding” at the beginning and end of your video to allow for editing (transitions, etc.). Once you hit record and call “action,” have your subject look at the camera and count to five in their head before they start talking. Hold for five seconds at the end before you stop recording.

3. In video, an inch translates to a foot. Sit still. Moving the slightest bit once your shot has been set throws off the balance. For instance, leaning back in your chair. If your subject can’t sit still, make sure you as the photographer continually adjust the shot.

4. Never shoot video with a window behind you if you are indoors. This will give you a silhouetted look, or you’ll notice that your windows are very bright, or “blown out.” For quality video always have the camera’s back to a window. Also remember that indoor lighting is not the same as outdoor lighting.

5. Pay attention to shot composition. When there is a great deal of headroom at the top of the picture your eye will naturally be drawn to the wall. As a rule of thumb, try to keep between one to three inches of space between the top of your subjects head and the top of the screen.

6. Know your audience. Dress the part and look professional. Act the same way you would if you were meeting a new potential client or patient for the first time.

7. Leave nerves at the door. When you smile and laugh because you’re uncomfortable, you make your business seems less serious.

Follow these simple but valuable suggestions and you’ll be well on your way to creating crisp clear high quality video with a purpose!

Need more video tips on how to end up with great looking footage? Contact us today!