There are many people who fall on each side of the fence when it comes to online forums. Those who argue against them often mention trolling and wasting time as two reasons why they should be avoided. Those who accept forums as a logical step for their site however will tell you very quickly how many benefits there are to doing so. Here at Posse Social Media we do indeed recommend adding a forum as long as your business model is conducive for such. Here are our top ten reasons why adding a forum to your site is a must.

  1. By correctly answering questions asked in your forums you will be branding yourself as an expert on the subjects being covered. This can help build the credibility of both you and your business.
  2. Free classes can be held via chat room or discussion board. This too can go a ways toward branding you as an expert in the subjects you teach.
  3. Forums and discussion boards offer a unique way to learn more about your visitors. This in turn can be used to help better tailor your site to suit your visitors’ needs or desires.3
  4. Offering people a place where they can go to meet others and discuss topics involving your goods or products will help to build a community based around your business rather than trying to go out and attempting to make your business a part of a community that has already been established.
  5. A forum on your site would allow you more leeway in communicating with those people visiting your site. As such they will begin to see you on a personal level rather than as some faceless business.
  6. A chat room, discussion board or forum offers you a unique place to advertise your own business. If it is on your own site just imagine how much easier it would be to control exposure. Also, imagine adding in affiliate links so that you can make money even while simply chatting with your site visitors.
  7. Offering your own forum or discussion board and then listing with an online directory can get you even more exposure for your goods or services that you are already advertising on your own site.
  8. Consider opening your forum or discussion board to other sites who may not have one. This will allow you a subtle way to advertise to their clients as well as your own.
  9. Forums are an outstanding way to network with other groups or businesses. Having your own will certainly help to attract new business contacts.
  10. Why not sell advertising space on your forum or discussion board? This is a great way to earn some residual income while allowing you to concentrate on other business endeavors.

Each of these suggestions represents a reason why a forum, discussion board, or chat room should be considered for your site. While you may make the call in the end, it is hard to deny the bonuses that can go along with amping up your site with a forum.