We all know the big players in the world of social media. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and now Google+ and Pinterest are all on the constant offensive looking for ways to solidify their user bases. Each platform certainly offers its own sets of benefits as well as drawbacks. At the end of the day however it will come down to figuring out which one is the best for your needs and with which you are most comfortable.

Facebook – In the past year Facebook has made some huge changes in how it approaches the idea of what makes a network social. Taking a clue from its competition, Facebook has integrated a scrolling update strip known as the Ticker. It has also moved toward a more personal experience through the introduction of the Timeline. The ability to create conversion-getting landing tabs has been downgraded, but this can allow smaller businesses to have a better leg up when competing with larger companies for views. All in all, Facebook is an excellent arena for those looking to put a personal face on their business. You will be able to share stories, offer tips, and essentially blog straight into this network.

Twitter – All you can say in 140 characters or less. This platform continues to dominate when it comes to the ability to keep people in the loop on hot news and more. This may be due in part to the very nature of people today who are all about time efficiency. The less time it takes to keep in the loop, the happier we tend to be. Twitter is an awesome outlet for businesses who want to keep their clients or customers up to date as quickly as possible. It is great for sharing bits of news, virtual coupons, and more.

LinkedIn – If you are a business professional, then the odds are that you know all about LinkedIn. As a platform, it is perfect for connecting B2B and for networking business pros so that they can potentially end up doing business or working together. It is an excellent outreach for companies looking to educate potential employees and/or clients who may want to know more. Businesses can post updates or send shout outs to employees celebrating an anniversary with the company. It can help to put a more human face onto businesses that could otherwise seem large and impersonal.

Google+ – First touted as the next Facebook, this platform is going on to become something totally different. Where Facebook is all about snippets of info or simply social updates, Google+ is becoming a platform where sharing of ideas excels. Users, both individuals and businesses, are able to use Google+ to reach out to other like-minded groups and make true connections. The ability to do Hangouts makes this platform even handier as a business tool for those whose employees are separated by geography.

Pinterest – As the new kid on the block, Pinterest is booming in popularity. Many people have what can only be described as a visual fixation. Pinterest allows them to explore and fill the needs of that fixation. Users can pin pictures of their own to their account to share with others, OR they can search Pinterest and pin pictures that appeal to them. This is outstanding for businesses that rely on pictures in order to share info on the work that they do or the products that they sale.

No matter which of these platforms, one or all, you choose to utilize it is important to sit down and figure out which one will best suit your needs. While extended coverage may be good, you do not want to end up spreading yourself too thin by trying to cover each of these social media outlets when simply covering one or two may get you all the results you need.