Black Friday has been an ongoing event for some years now and remains extremely popular. Cyber Monday is a newer construct designed to attract online shoppers who might decide to avoid the crowds in the brick and mortar stores. Without all the pushing, shoving, swearing, and more to contend with folks are able to cruise online stores and snag the deals they are seeking from the comfort of their own homes. The question that one has to ask though is whether Cyber Monday will continue to draw as many people since it doesn’t offer the contact sport feel that Black Friday offers.

In truth, many of the folks you might talk to love getting in amongst the crowd and go all elbows and knees when it comes to hitting the big box stores for their Black Friday sales. Your crowd that cruises the net on Cyber Monday tends to be a different bunch altogether. They are the arm chair warriors, soccer moms, college students, and more who realize that shopping online can be a great experience as well. It can be one that doesn’t carry the risk of being poked, prodded, knocked around, or worse while still allowing you to experience the euphoria of snagging a killer deal.

Shopping online continues to grow in popularity, and Cyber Monday is just one more proof of that. Storefronts are growing and evolving on an almost daily basis making the shopping experience even more interactive and user friendly. Online auction giant Ebay realized this movement some time ago and began incorporating storefronts in its user interface. Visit the site now and you will not only be able to catch an auction but will be able to visit what could arguably be described as a virtual shopping mall with goods of all sorts readily available.

Head over to Pinterest, one of the hottest start-up social networks of late, and you will see the power that online shopping presents. Pinterest was designed to be a photo sharing site of sorts, but it is rapidly evolving into a business friendly way to share one’s products online. No matter where you turn, people are learning how to optimize every single interface and network in order to turn them into traffic generating machines geared at one thing – driving people to purchase goods or services online.

While some people may argue that this was never the point of the net it would be tough to do so. The same could be said for sharing funny cat video or silly gifs which takes place every day as well. The internet is an experience that you make it. Fortunately for others it allows them to influence what you choose to do online by allowing them to set up shop and sell their products. Needless to say an amazingly large number of folks will likely be online tomorrow for Cyber Monday snatching up their deals. When it comes to prepping for Cyber Monday the only question is whether you will be online shopping for deals as well?