Don’t Miss the Social Boat

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Using multimedia in your social media campaign sounds like a tongue twister in the making. In actuality if you are not using multimedia tools then you are not getting your point across. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words” well never has this been truer than in the social media arena. Today when people are bombarded with text and more text having something that breaks up the monotony of reading can keep your visitors from straying. The eyes and mind need a break and what better way to accomplish this than use of multimedia?

Using multimedia for your social media marketing campaign goes a long way in driving potential customers to your products and services. How much easier is it to listen to a webinar than to read ten pages of text about a specific service or product that you offer? Here is the ticket about webinars they are wonderful tools but don’t make them so boring that you lose your audience. Have you heard those where the voice never changes, and it is an effort just to make it through the thing? PLEASE, don’t ever go there! You will lose audience extremely quickly.

Using multimedia for social media doesn’t just consist of webinars but photography, short video clips and more. Think about how many people go on Facebook and love spending time looking at photographs or that visit YouTube to watch short video clips. Stock photographs can be used but be sure that you read the fine print and follow the guidelines that usually accompany the photos that you will be using. Even better, take some of your own photos to share.

This can be seen with the recent NASCAR and Twitter news that occurred. One of the drivers used his iPhone to take photos and post them to Twitter. He gained 100,000 followers in just two hours! That is just one example of how effective using multimedia in your social media campaign can be. The power of multimedia and the internet is amazing and learning the ins and outs of using these tools for marketing is a must for survival in today’s marketing arena.

Using multimedia for your social media marketing campaign will continue to grow in leaps and bounds for marketing and networking purposes. Don’t miss the social boat when it comes to getting on board and up to speed.