Mobile devices are now firmly entrenched in our lives. Whether it is a tablet, smartphone, or other such device it is extremely difficult to imagine how we could survive without them. We use them for business and in our personal lives to send texts, cruise the social networks, and to simply stay in touch with what’s going on with everyone. Given the dependency upon mobile devices at what point do we have to recognize the potential for addiction? The most disturbing part of this is the fact that our children are using such devices at earlier and earlier ages.

Online Activities of Youth

With the level of use that our children now exhibit how do we determine whether we are setting them up to be addicted as well? It can be argued that they have a right to use mobile devices as well as anyone else, but let’s face it, this is the same as saying “my kid has a right to a beer.” Are we required to give in to our children when it involves something that can present such a clear danger? Where does this place us as parents?


Can you use various mobile devices to help educate, amuse, and entertain your kids? Certainly. It is simply important to keep in mind the hugely addictive nature of using such devices. Take time to talk to your kids about why it is important to limit one’s time and to be wary of advertising and the effect such adverts can have. Want to know more about how you can help to protect your kids from over exposure to social media, advertising, and more? Simply head over to Common Sense Media where you can find great tips, reviews, and more. For all your other social networking questions feel free to contact us here at Posse Social Media today.