Why, hello there! My name is Jessica Michelle Martinez and today is my first official day with Posse Social Media. There are not words to describe how excited I am to begin this social media journey. The first thing on my to do list is to introduce myself and let you all know a little bit about me.

I am an Austin, Texas native and returned here after attending
Texas A&M University for four very long years. I am currently interning and completing my degree in Technology Management with minor in Business Administration. I am addicted to my puppy, Walter Baxter III, Diet Coke, pizza, and Twizzlers (pull-n-peel). I have always been pretty tech savvy and realized social media was my calling about 2 years ago. I have a workaholic attitude so I am usually juggling quite a few projects. I have found that I strive the most when I am busy so it works, I am sure most of you can relate to that.

My obsession with Facebook began in about 2006 when I was invited to join the social network, yes it was that long ago that I had to be invited. In April 2010, I introduced myself to social media and from then on, I have not been able to stop. I have worked with so many different companies from cities to a cloud computing company to a music festival. Working with such a variety of has allowed me to gain experience with just about every social network you could think of. Along with working on these networks I also make sure to follow any type of social media news on a daily basis. Some of my favorite news sources include Mashable, TechCrunch, Inside Facebook, and of course the Facebook Blog. My friends, family and many colleagues throughout the years have treated me as a social media guru, coming to me with their many questions. I love being able to tell them anything they want to know about social media so making a living out of that is ideal.

So, what will I be doing for Posse Social Media? Well, I will be assisting in raising our brand awareness. I will do this by updating our Facebook Timeline, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, and LinkedIn profiles. I will be talking about anything and everything social media. The social media world moves faster than any other so keeping up can be difficult. My goal is to make all new developments and news known to our Fans, Followers, and customers. In addition to this, I will be assisting on social media efforts of our clients as needed.

I look forward to this journey and becoming what I hope to be, the Social Media Queen of Texas!