If by some random happenstance you missed out on today’s F8 conference held by Facebook’s own Mark Zuckerberg, here are some of the highlights. After a somewhat amusing intro skit courtesy SNL’s own Andy Samberg, Zuckerberg took the stage to speak about what looks to be the most radical makeover Facebook has seen since it first premiered in 2007. If Facebook started out being all about the profile, and then morphed into being all about the wall, get ready for the next level – the Timeline.

Where the basic profile was just that – basic – the new Timeline will be much more involved in telling the story of “You.” Users will now be able to go as far back as they want and drop in information, pictures, video, and so much more. Ever wonder what happens to your old posts, updates, etc after they fall off your wall? Now you won’t have to. Everything will be right there for you to scroll through as you please.

Mark Z. described the Timeline as a means of telling your life’s story in three pieces, through your stories, through your apps, and by sharing the rest of what makes you who you are. A great aspect of this snap shot of your personal history? How about the fact that it is 100% mobile friendly! The best way to think of the new Timeline view is as an online scrapbook or journal of your life.

Another cool aspect to the Timeline is that you will be able to separate it into types… Want to see a timeline of your photos, places you have been, or foods you have cooked? Easily done. The killer thing is that you will be able to keep up with your life through the use of Apps. Want to know how many miles you ran, what recipe you used last week, or who attended your child’s birthday party last month? Don’t worry. There are Apps for all that and a ton more. You can be sure that if an app doesn’t currently exist, it won’t be long before one is created.

This is just a basic snippet of what the Timeline will be all about. I will keep you updated as more and more info unfolds. As a little extra, I am including a shot of my personal News Feed. Note the area I highlighted. This “Ticker” will be how we keep up with our friends once the new face of Facebook is fully released (which will be happening over a matter of weeks from now). Until then, get ready for some really cool changes heading our way!