Does it ever seem like you waste time chasing too many unqualified leads that never turn into customers? That’s a common issue with many businesses these days. Wouldn’t it be great if you only had to contact the leads that have the highest chance of becoming a customer?

We love the idea of targeting our marketing efforts to people who are most likely to buy from us. So much so we’ve implemented the Inbound Method.

Do you want to attract the right buyers, target your efforts and increase your marketing Return on Investment (ROI)? Let us help you implement the inbound methodology and see the results for yourself.  


1. Let’s Talk People

Why is it important to know your audience? By getting into the nitty gritty of who would actually purchase your product or service, you can create content that will attract them.

The inbound methodology revolves around generating relevant content. In order to create interesting content, you need an in-depth understanding of who your buyer is. By knowing who your audience is you can focus your efforts and time in the best places.

Perhaps your company has multiple products and services geared towards more than one audience.

To address this, segment your buyers into different personas so you can monetize your marketing efforts. Doing this will allow you to send personalized and relevant messages to each buyer group. This is the best way to communicate with your different buyers and make them feel as if you are talking to them.

Refine and define your buyers. Start off with the basics, like their demographics. Interview current and past customers to help gather more detailed data. Define their goals, motivations, and behavior patterns.

Questions you should ask:

  • What are their problems your product or services address?
  • What motivates them to buy?
  • What level of education did they complete?
  • What size company do they work for?
  • What publications do they read?
  • What are keywords they would search online when looking for your product or service?
  • Which social platforms do they spend the most time on?

Once you’ve gathered all your data, look for patterns or similarities to formulate the concept of your buyer. After you’ve clearly defined your buyers you’re ready to start generating content.

2. Content, Content, Content

Relevant content could be a blog, a landing page, or a social media post that would interest your potential buyer.

Creating relevant content is important to attract and engage strangers and encourage them to want to learn more about your product or service.

This is also crucial to appearing on the first page of search engine results. By using keywords related to the buyers search in your content, it’s more likely your website will appear higher in your buyer personas’ search results.

Defining Keywords

Use Google to your advantage and do your research. A majority of people start their buying process by searching for their needs online.

Define the short- and long-tail keywords related to your business, industry, product, and service. Generate a keyword list and continue to improve it as you gain insight about what your buyer is searching for.


Have you asked, “Should I even blog for my business?” The answer is “YES!”

Add a blog to your website and start posting ASAP! Make sure you are posting blogs about industry-related topics and problems your company can solve with your products or services.

Is a blog one big sales pitch? NO!

Your blog should be interesting, and it should encourage readers to seek more information from you. Include links to different landing pages on your site or other related blogs.

Your blog should also include calls-to-action to give your reader a chance to learn more about what you are offering.

Blogs allow you to make your mark and prove you’re an expert in your industry.

Social Publishing

Your business absolutely needs a social presence.

Social media is a way to build conversation and community with your customers. It is also where people give word of mouth recommendations to their network of friends and followers.

It’s important to develop and maintain a social strategy for your brand. Decide which platforms are best based on who your buyer personas are. Tailor your content tone to the platform and switch up the content between videos, photos, blogs or links frequently.

3. Converting Quality Leads

You need a few more items to tie everything together and start turning strangers into customers. Adding these to your website will allow you to generate quality leads:


CTAs (calls-to-action) are linkable requests that lead your visitors to take actions like “Shop Now” or “Download A Catalogue.” You should have multiple CTAs in your advertising efforts and on your website.

CTAs should be attention-grabbing; they should entice the viewer to want to click and learn more.

The purpose of a CTA is to lead people to a landing page that will ask them to give you their contact information in exchange for a valuable (and free) offer from you, like a consultation or whitepaper.

Landing pages

Landing pages are where you convert visitors to leads. It’s where the visitor lands after clicking on a CTA.

A landing page contains relevant information to the CTA, instructions for receiving your offer, and a form to collect their information. The landing page should match your branding but be unique to the offer.


Forms allow you to collect the most valuable information in the sales process: the visitor’s name and the best way to contact them.

Only include the fields you think visitors would be willing to fill out. Think about the information your sales team would need to adequately pitch to the lead in order to convert them to a customer. Too many fields in your form can deter people from filling it out because it takes too much time.

4. Your Shining Moment

The follow up is where you really need to shine. Let your leads know when they can expect to hear from you. Ideally, you should follow up within 48 hours.

Your follow-up should include a mix of calls, emails and voicemails. On average you should reach out to a lead six times over a set period of time. Maintain your contacts and send relevant emails to your leads over time.

Get Started Now

Implementing an inbound strategy allows you to attract, convert, close and delight your ideal buyer, which sounds so much better than traditional outbound sales methods, doesn’t it?

If the process seems overwhelming, don’t worry! The Posse can help! Contact us and we’ll get you started