When it comes to rocking out a Twitter account you might be surprised at what it takes to get the job done. It seems like we see users try to max out their accounts with tons of followers while following as many as they can. These same users may send out tons of tweets every day. They may even have a half decent background. Surprisingly though many of these accounts will ultimately fail. It’s no wonder we have people always asking us
what happened and how they can improve.

The first thing to remember is that you can certainly maximize your Twitter potential. Before you can do so however you must get control of your expectations. If your prime objective is to get tons of direct sales out of your account, then you might want to reconsider. Can Twitter help you get increase your sales?

Sure, but just like other social networks its prime role is to educate, inform, increase customer/client loyalty, build your brand, and simply get the word out. By reaching out to your target population and successfully interacting with them you will find out very quickly how much a difference a strong social network can make. Now, on to maximizing your account!


Do you know the Twitterversal language? Twitter certainly has many terms that are central to its use. Trending topics are those topics that are showing up with the most frequency in different areas of the Twitterverse. Maybe some big movie star is visiting Atlanta and the hashtag #didyousee is being used like crazy. If so, then Twitter picks up on the mileage this hashtag is getting and then lists the hashtag in the Trending Topics list. Other must-know terms include DM (direct message), RT or retweet, and @mention. Take the time to learn Twitterspeak and you will find it easier to navigate Twitter.


No matter what you may be told looks still matter! If people happen upon your Twitter profile and it is poorly done, has a junky background, or just looks like something’s not quite right, then you might find it much harder to attract new followers or get any interaction. Get your background image squared away, your profile filled out, and give it all some character. Whether you are a single individual or a huge corporation, a well done profile and overall look can make an enormous difference in how people perceive your brand.


If you don’t get hashtags and why they are useful, then you might want to consider finding a #hashtag101 course! Hashtags allow you to draw attention to issues you are discussing. Do you want to hashtag everything possible? Of course not. It would be no different than TYPING ALL IN CAPS (see how annoying that is?) Only hashtag those terms/phrases that are relevant. Make sure before beginning that you are not duplicating an existing hashtag unless you are simply jumping in on an existing conversation.

The next step to take in maximizing your Twitter potential is to… what? Really? You want us to give away all our secrets? We are always happy to help you reach that potential. Make sure to contact us for more ways on how you can take your Twitter account to the next level!