Trying to make your presence known on the internet can be a very complicated and confusing process. If you have tried to do it on your own before without knowing what you’re getting into, it can make you feel kind of like the pigeon who smacks into the window of a 5th story apartment home. The key to success is having the right
tools, knowledge and know-how to get the job done.

This is the first in a three part series on how to reach your target audience and some of the tools you need to understand to get the job done right. So, let’s start with the basics: writing articles and blog posts.

To craft a good post or article that will draw individuals to your web site you have to know your audience. Do you want to sell a service or a product? What kind of person represents your target market? These are each very good questions to ask yourself before picking a topic to write about.

The next question is, how do I get my posts and articles noticed? Placing the article on your website is a start, but that alone is not enough. This is especially true for those who have websites that are brand new and so haven’t had much exposure yet. You can also find free and low cost article directories where you can place your articles to be seen. The important thing here is to make sure you have links in your posts and articles that will send the readers back you your site for more info and a closer look at who you are and what you do or sell.

Whether your writing is going on your website or an article directory you need to craft your article or post in such a way as to both interest and inform your readers. Also, information is key, but you must remember to not just spout off facts. Give your readers something thought provoking or some fun facts thrown in to keep it fresh.

Pictures are another great way to grab a person’s attention. Pictures strike interest in your writing meaning it’s a good idea to use one that evokes some type of emotion or that can stir a thought in readers’ minds. For example, if you are writing on current political events a picture of the National flag or a sketch of the Capitol Building might be appropriate images to use.

Another especially effective way to grab attention is to use an infographic. An infographic is an image that shows charts or lists relevant facts about a certain subject. These charts and lists are then presented with pictures or images that can help explain the concepts visually. Infographics can be fun to build and readers love them. Also, there are dozens of free or low cost websites that offer a way for you to build your own infographics.

So far we have discussed just a few things that you can do to create a successful article. Remember to check back with us part two in this three part series. Next we will discuss SEO, Google, Hummingbird and much more.

Click for Part 2