‘Social media strategy and development’….sound like real heavy words, huh? There’s a virus infecting the entire world of social media and this is a ‘fear’ associated with it. If you pick a few reports, you will find the business heads still wondering and racking their brains with how to use social media. Well, really? After it has been around for more than 8 years and so much has been written and said, do businesses still need to figure out what to do about it?

There are actually some very prestigious brands in the United States who still do not realize the potential of social brands and their first reaction when faced with the question to have an active presence on a social platform is – can we just do without it?

And…when they realize that they simply cannot do without it because their competitors are there as well, they look for an outside agency to handle it. Well, what I am trying to explain is this fear of change from the conventional, and this utter show of ignorance about the potential of social media even though it has proven its caliber time and again. They simply do not want to take it into consideration as an important chapter for brand building and development, and something that cannot be ignored.

‘Now’ is the time for business leaders to get up and get ready for a change and accept the social media and be a part of it. You and only you know what’s best for your business and how you can connect it with the masses, so stop shrugging off your responsibilities and shifting the blame. Become your brands best advocate.

Are your still chained to old school thoughts? Are you still using a firewall to ensure that your employees don’t indulge in social networking? It’s time to grow up!

You cannot hide your face behind those traditional rules and laws, and other legal formalities and do nothing to understand social media. It’s a whole new and interesting world waiting to be explored and getting involved will help you take your business to greater heights. You can never get that by sitting behind closed doors and working on your old business strategies.

If your business comes under the pharma or other highly-governed industry, don’t wait for guidance from any governing agency to figure out how to use social media for your benefit. If you take the plunge before your competitors, you are certain to benefit from this move.

If you play in the financial sector, it’s high time you take yourself out of the conventional norms and avoid treating your employees like a bunch of school kids who should not be accessing social media. Cut that boring old school media playbook in half and strike like a leader in the social biosphere.

Those who need help getting started with social media can get assistance through our training program, Social Media Blueprint Membership. This power packed program can help you not only catch up but learn at you own pace.

Don’t worry about the ROI social media will give you, just spend some time creating value for your brand today and the results your get in the long run will be overwhelming. Down the line, if you don’t have a well-developed digital strategy, you will find you company behind the eight-ball. We are well into 2013, and it’s high time you leverage the potential of the social media and make it work for your business.