Google+ circles provide a different way of handling contacts and sharing information between the two. On Twitter, it is a one-way street. You can choose to follow anyone you wish and see any updates they make. Facebook, on the other hand, is a two-way street. If you want to see someone else’s updates, you have to request to be their friend and he or she must accept you as their friend. Once you are their friend, they can see everything you post and vice versa. You have complete mutual sharing on Facebook. Google+ works differently. You can control who sees your updates and what updates you see by placing contacts in different circles.

Google+ circles are the equivalent of categories. You can add a contact to one or more circles. In order to be one your contacts, they must be in one circle. The neat thing about circles is that you can organize your contacts in whatever way you choose. You can have a family circle, a friend’s circle, a professional circle, and an interest based circle. You can share content with only the contacts in a specific circle or with all of your circles. You can view the content others post in the same way. You can choose to view the content of only one circle or of all your circles.

The question remains however-who should you add to your circles. The answer is simple-you can add anyone you want to add. Is it important if they are a friend or an acquaintance? No, not at all because you can control who sees what by creating specific circles. You do not have to share the same content with each circle, so things that need to remain between family and friends are protected from mere acquaintances or followers.

As a general rule of thumb, you should add anyone you want to build a long-term relationship with, or people you want to get to know better.

Consider adding the following categories of people:

  • Friends and family

These people form your core network, and for many people, friends and family form the foundation of their business. Many freelancers in particular, receive their initial clients from a friend, family member or thru a referral from a friend or family member. Friends and family are also your biggest cheerleaders, and seeing what’s going on in their lives is a way of brightening up your own day.

  • Other freelancers or business owners

No one understands the ups and downs of the freelance market like other freelancers. A network of other freelancers provides a place for you to go to get support and advice, or to ask for creative inspiration if you hit a wall. You can also create a valuable referral network. The same is true of other business owners and associates. Strategic alliances can be built through the network you establish, and their advice can be exceedingly valuable in moving your own business forward.

  • Potential clients

Whenever you add someone to one of your circles, they receive an email. Adding someone to your circles is an easy, low-key way to say, “Hi, why not try out my services?” If they add you back, they’ll get your updates, which will begin to build a relationship, and could end up with them hiring you or buying your products or services.

  • Current clients

A good way to stay in touch with your current clients is to create a client circle. You can post a Google+ update to your circle of clients, and select the option to send everyone in the circle an email about your update. You can also post updates of your work or the latest news in your niche, so they remember your expertise. Frequent posts and updates help keep you and your business on the forefront of your client’s mind.

  • Thought leaders

Create a circle for thought leaders in your niche or industry. This helps you stay up to date with the latest news and ideas. It is even better if they add you to their circle, and you become someone they trust. This can lead to work or recommendations.

  • Interesting people

Look for people who spark your curiosity or ignite your creativity. Creativity is one of our most valuable resources. Anyone that provides a positive perspective or fuels energy within you should be added to one of your circles as a possible future resource.

With Google+ circles, the world just gets bigger. The good news? It also gets better organized. Add whomever you want and control how you share content easily, quickly and efficiently.