With its continued growth and evolving business model Twitter continues to dominate the market as the go-to microblog option for those who want to keep their followers in the know. It continues to perform superbly as a platform for both attracting business and increasing client and customer retention. The one thing that people continually ask however is whether there are easy ways to attract more Twitter Followers.

Before going any further, let’s dispel one myth.
It has been said that the quality of your followers is much more important than the quantity. While this may seem true at face value you simply cannot deny the fact that the more eyes on your account the greater the chances of reaching someone you might have otherwise missed. Does this mean you should simply shoot for the moon? NO. There are many spammy Twitter accounts out there that will readily take advantage of this. Should you give serious thought about each follow you get? Sure.

Check out their posting habits. If their posts are agreeable to your sensibilities then by all means let them remain a part of your following. Now that we have covered that ground, let’s move on to bigger and better. If you REALLY want to find easy ways to get more Twitter followers then do this – take a long hard look at the top Tweeters out there. Find out what they tweet about and how they interact with their followers. These folks are the top at what they do for a reason. There is no shame in finding out what they are doing right and following suit.

Another big tip for you – no one likes to follow a faceless account. It’s weird and would be like muting a TV show and then just watching the commercials. Makes no sense at all! Get your bio completed, add in a quality pic and for goodness sakes get yourself a great looking Twitter background. This will help potential followers see you as an individual and not some nameless, faceless bot.

Your next step toward getting more Twitter followers is perhaps the easiest – tweet on subjects you know and/or love. While you do this you should make sure that you are using the Twitter (not so secret) secret weapon – hash tags. Adding hash tags (#) to each of your keywords can help move your tagged content up in searches. Keep in mind though that Twitter etiquette (yes, it DOES exist contrary to popular belief) says that you should add no more than three hash tags per post. Going to search.twitter.com can help you to find the top trending hash tags and topics which in turn can help you to know where to best target your tweets.

Make sure to encourage retweets and @mentions. Both of these will help to get your name in other circles where you might otherwise not be noticed. It can also help to draw some folks back to your profile. As you continue sending out tweets keep an eye out for unfollows. Check out the tweets that led up to an unfollow and you may be able to tell why that follower left.

While it may not sound like there are easy ways to find more Twitter followers you may just be surprised. Try following each of the aforementioned tips. You may just be surprised how quickly your number of Twitter followers beings to increase.