Any of us who have been actively marketing our brands on the internet for any amount of time will tell you that there are times when social media campaigns literally explode and others when they sink like a stone. Not all social media campaigns are created equal with some being much more effective than others. The trouble comes in when you have difficulty in realizing that your social media campaign is one of the sinkers. Do you know when a change in your social media campaign is needed?

The Pure Stinker

One of the easiest campaigns to target for re-purposing is the pure stinker. This social media campaign falls flat straight out of the gate. It will have drawn no traffic, gotten no conversions, and simply turns out to be a time sink and money pit. There is no denying that a change is needed for such a campaign. Don’t waste any more time. Reach out and pull the plug.

The Resource Drain

Have you ever had a social media campaign or part of one that seemed like it was a success but couldn’t hold up to scrutiny? Maybe you are running your Twitter account with a certain focus and you seem to be getting some retweets and possibly even some responses. When you take a closer look at those RTs though, they don’t pass muster. Maybe it is simply some automated accounts sending out blanket retweets in order to inundate the platform. No matter, the end result is that even though you are getting traffic through your account it is still resulting in no conversions, no sales, and no increase in revenue. In other words it is costing you in either your time or labor costs to upkeep that focus with no return on your investment. The first thing you must do is to determine whether the incoming traffic is of any value at all. You might consider adapting that part of your campaign in an effort to increase its ability to attract new clients. Otherwise, it is time to move on and find a focus that will perform better.

The Mega Cost Campaign

This is the social media campaign that you have sunk major resources into. It produces conversions and traffic. The trouble is that this income is still quite a bit less than what you are spending out to achieve it. When expenditures outpace gains it is time to take a closer look. It is hard to discount converting leads into clients. That being said, if you are paying a heavy cost you will soon find yourself in the hole without the funds to continue on. This type of social media campaign cannot totally be discredited. You will have to research and find out just exactly what it was that led those clients who converted to do so. See if you can distill the nature of this campaign so that you can continue drawing in new clients while also checking to see if there are any places where you can trim unnecessary costs that may be holding this campaign back.

These are just three types of social media campaigns that need a change. Remember; while consistency is good, the longer you wait to make a change to campaigns like these the harder and more costly it can be!