Once upon a time – actually not too long ago at all – there came a social media maven by the name of Gary Vaynerchuk. Mr. Vaynerchuk was interviewed on a popular show and made a comment that caused a great deal of headshaking and handwringing. Gary stated that 99.5% of social media experts are clowns. True story folks… Now, I know that this happened back in June, but there are still quite a few people in an uproar over it. At first I paid little attention to the whole hubbub until a friend asked me about it.

Now, Gary Vaynerchuk is no doubt a highly intelligent individual, and I have great respect for him. I do have to say though that he later admitted was that his 99.5% was a percentage that he had pulled straight off the top of his head. This got me to thinking, why in the world would he say that so many social media “experts” have it wrong? I went on to watch some of his follow-up videos and it became clear.

He said it because he believes it, and for good reason! When you start looking around there are a huge number of businesses that deal with social media even though they have no real working experience with the medium. You know the type; they may talk a good game but when it comes to follow through they have absolutely no idea what they are doing. They don’t realize that social media not only covers branding oneself or one’s business and marketing, but that it can help to increase sales when handled properly.

It’s not all about getting on Twitter or Facebook and throwing out some random posts or tweets with a quick hyperlink on the end. Social media is about reaching out and building a following of loyal clients or customers who will choose your brand over the competition because they feel that you care about their needs, wants, or interests. Gary Vaynerchuk has gone on to say that it’s not that many of these social media experts don’t understand social media itself; it’s that they don’t understand the business model and how social media should fit into that model.

Unless a so-called social media expert or guru understands how a business should operate they will not be truly effective at integrating social media into a business model. I can totally understand where Gary has taken this subject. It does leave me wondering though if so many people are upset with him because he hit a bit too close to home for their tastes!

Here at Posse Social Media Consulting, we have the business experience to back up our social media know how. Each of our team members has worked with various businesses either in partnerships, ownerships, or as board members. As such, we understand how a business model works and the need for true integration when it comes to including social media into your business toolbox.