Marketers put a ton of effort into their advertising campaign, the things that bring potential customers from the sea of the Internet to your little port. But this leaves a lot of marketers with brilliant advertisements and some very poor landing pages… and then they wonder why they get so few conversions!

It’s time to fix up your landing page so that this doesn’t happen to you, and here are some tips.
Keep in mind that these tips are geared toward making people want to download free content; selling content has some different tips which we will focus on later.

Important Content Stays on Top

Make it completely and utterly idiot-proof for visitors to accept your offer. This means putting the opt-in box for your site above the fold. If visitors don’t have to hunt for their way to get things like free newsletters and free e-books, they are more likely to say ‘yes’ and download your work.

Keep It Simple

Make sure that your landing pages aren’t cluttered with links where visitors can wander away or ads. All that should be on your landing page is information about your product and the opt-in box, that’s it!

Why Should Customers Download Your Content?

Your landing page should not just a blank page with an opt-in box and a few words on what you do. A landing page should also have some content about why it would be beneficial for customers to download your content in particular as opposed to anyone else. An easy way to do this is a bullet point list of potential benefits to customers; it’s easy to write up and even easier to read.

Download NOW NOW NOW!

Creating a sense of urgency is important because if you can make people think they need your work now, they will download it without thinking twice. Offer things for a limited time or point out that this information you are offering is best utilized now. Combined with the fact that what you’re offering is free anyway, it’s a good way to snag conversions.

Internet Readers Have a Short Attention Span

Keep in mind that readers on the Internet don’t have the greatest attention span; most people simply won’t read everything you write. With that in mind, structure your landing page so that it keeps the attention on key points. Using things like colored fonts, headings and sub-headings, bold text and white space are all good ways to keep a reader interested long enough to think that downloading your content is a good idea.

And don’t be surprised if you need to do some testing of a few different versions of your landing page to figure out which ones have the best results. Try out new headlines, different calls to action, different graphics and different writing styles for a while, using an A/B split to see which landing pages perform best. In this way, you can design a great landing page to compliment your brilliant advertising campaign and get the most conversions possible!