Here at Posse, we are getting geared up for the holidays! Which means, you and your business should too. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We will be doing 12 days of giveaways through the season. We will be giving away inbound assistance as well as social media assistance for FREE! All of our offers are listed below and you’re not going to want to miss out!

Website Grader

With a website grader, we will run your website through a set of tests that will let you know how your website is performing. The website grader will explain how your SEO is doing, if you need security, how fast your website is, and if it’s mobile friendly (side note: Google is officially prioritizing mobile content for search ranking).

Grading your site can make a big difference in knowing where improvements can be made!

Social Audit

With a social audit, our entire team will analyze and report back with how your social media platforms are doing. We will make suggestions, give you statistics, and take the time to dig deep into what social media can do for your business.

A social audit will allow you to see numbers, performance, and engagement from your social media platforms from an agency’s perspective.

1 Hour Consultation

We are offering up an hour consultation for us to go over your website, social media, and other marketing efforts. We will be able to give suggestions, offer help, and answer any questions that you might have regarding social media, inbound marketing, or what it’s like to work with an agency.

This is your opportunity to get as many answers as possible!

Email Marketing Review

An email marketing review will help break down your email efforts. We will check your click- through rate, your bounced emails, and the overall format of your newsletter or offers.

If you’re not already practicing email marketing, we will give you tips, how-to’s, and advice on getting started.

Social Media Cover Photo for 3 Platforms

All of your social media accounts have a cover photo, whether it’s on Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +,  or Facebook. We will have our best graphic designer create a new cover photo for 3 platforms of your choice.

This will definitely grab your audience’s attention!

Website Content Audit

With a website content audit, we will break down what kind of information is on your website and give you pointers on how to make it better. Sometimes websites can get bogged down with too much information. Less is more! We will help you get a better understanding of what keywords will do better on a Google search and what will help boost your SEO.

Your business should be coming up at the top in Google searches!

Social Audience & Tone

Are you communicating to your audience and your potential customers in the correct tone? We will take a look at your target audience and then take a look at your content to make sure that your brand is conveying the right message. We want to make sure that what you’re saying is resonating with people!

Week of Posts on 2 Platforms

If you’ve never hired an agency to take care of your social media for you, now’s your chance to try it out for free. We are giving away a week of posts on 2 social media platforms of your choice. This will be strictly for your business’ page. We will go over the correct tone and format with you before posting anything.

This would be a great start to your business’ social media for the new year!

30 Minute Buyer Persona

Your buyer persona can be your most important asset in the marketing realm. We will take 30 minutes to identify who your target buyer is and break it down for you in a way that you can use the information for future prospects. The buyer persona is the story of your customer or potential client.

Imagine what you can do if you know all of your buyer’s habits, characteristics, and more!

Digital Marketing Strategy Starter

Strategy is the basis for all successful digital marketing efforts. That’s why our new client onboarding starts with researching and drafting a digital strategy. Let us help you start the process for yourself! You’ll get an abbreviated version of a social strategy that helps set you up to fill in the remaining details. We’ll format your strategy document and start guiding you on a competitive analysis, goal planning, content planning, and more. We’ll spend half of our time working up the document and half of our time walking you through it and the next steps.

30 Minute Social Media Staff Training

We are offering a social media training session to help you learn best practices, tips, and more. You will have 30 minutes to get training of your choice in social media by our team. You will have time to ask questions and get advice on how to make the most of your social media marketing efforts!

Month of Mentions

Last but not least, we are offering up a month worth of mentions on social media. We will give your business shoutouts on our social media pages for a full month. This will help boost your business’ social media by getting it out in front of a new group of people. We will be able to do this on Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram.

Good luck & happy marketing!

Terms & Conditions

  • All holiday offers will be awarded at random from the totality of submissions (employees and current customers excluded from eligibility) on December 5, 2016.
  • Once contacted via email and announced on social, winners will have 48 hours to respond to Posse Social Media to claim their prize and schedule the delivery. For winners announced on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, two business days are allowed for response.
  • Prize winners will be awarded and contacted beginning December 7, 2016.
  • At the end of the contest, all winning and non-winning submissions will be contacted via email with a summary of the awards given.
  • This contest is in no way sponsored by Facebook, Instagram, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, or any other corporation.
  • Should a winner be unavailable for prize award, another winner will be selected at random.